December 10 Ken
Writer: Jeff Markarian
Prayer: Tom Lippard
Visiting Rotarians: Jim Logan
Sergeant-at-Arms: Shari McDonough
Finemaster: Paul Chisholm
Get your ideas for our website into Stu, our club “webmaster”
If you are Chair of a committee, and are planning an event, please contact Stu so he can put the event on our site
Suggestion: If you sit with your back to the coffee station, be prepared to have many tushes rubbing up against your back. Barb, I know it was innocent but Larry…you were there too long…eck. Nevertheless, Mark Tramont rang the gong at 12:30. It was a rather aggressive tone that was sure to send a message to Larry to start on time. There was a discussion regarding when the meeting should start. We know it states that we gather at 12:15 and the speaker starts at 1:00. I do not think there was any mention as to when the actual meeting starts as long as we cover our business in time for the quest speaker. More to follow.
Gary started the pledge to the flag that was missing from the room; Jim Logan immediately took the blame and fined himself. Barb led us in “God Bless America”. I must say we sounded great with all the guests we had in the room.
Tom Lippard gave a moving invocation followed with a profound prose “I may not be able to love you the rest of your life, but I will love you the rest of my life”.
Guest Rotarians were; Michael Tyrpak - Amherst East, Patty Johnson and Stacey Watson - Buffalo Sunrise and Michael Gramaldi - Buffalo Lunch Club. We had many quests. Char Coon and Michell Jarmous’ mother (who is seriously considering joining our club) were among them.
Larry reported that Operation Santa is well under way with 49 children from 20 families. Larry said the Xmas party was a success. Laurie was genuinely touched as she was presented a Paul Harris award. Great idea Larry to reward a dedicated employee.
One of our Guests, Vickie Ross handed information about an event that took place Monday evening for United Nations Human Rights. I hope some were able to attend.
Jim Logan was asked to come up and speak about “our” Foundation. The officers are presenting the following recipients money: 1.Anthony Nemo for young cancer patients 2.WNY Heroes to assist Veterans and their families, 3. Kevin Quest House, 4. Engineers without Borders for electric generators for areas in Peru. Our gift this year and the commitment for next year will allow them to get a matching grant, and 5. Cross Roads Springs. There might have been one more but I was staring at Stacey and didn’t pay attention.
Stacy Watson was presented $2,000 for the work she does with Drop in Nation. This group helps youths that do not have a direction to their lives.
Paul Chisholm was the fine master. He accepted a confession from Mark Tramont. Marks daughter and fiancé donated $150 to Operation Santa in lieu giving each other gifts this year. Thank you. Paul asked the crowd what day today was. Those who could not answer were fined. Today was the most fertile day of the year. More babies were conceived on December 10th. Where are the cameras? Patty Johnson won both the split club and the chance to draw the Ace of spades. No luck on the Ace.
Larry introduced Darcy France from the The Challenge Club. The Challenge Club is a leadership and character building club for teens that was created in 2005. This was a wonderful presentation. Darcy explained how they start with a freshman orientation. Then through workshops become leaders in the school promoting “Stop Hate”. Larry is also active with this. Larry explained how the Interact and Both your Hands clubs merged into the Challenge Club.
Great meeting