November 5 Ken
Ken Writer: Audrey Meyers
Invocation: Rick Graham
Greeter/Split Club: Ted Purvis
Finemaster: Mike Hettler
Sergeant-at-Arms: Bob Dimmig
Contact Joe Starck if you have any items for the live auction at the Christmas Party to benefit Operation Santa
President Larry started the meeting promptly at 12:30pm. We sang O Canada and The Star-Spangled Banner followed by a toast to the Queen. Rick Graham presented our Invocation. There were many guests today including District Governor Rick Sterne, Assistant District Governor Joe Albers, Area Governor Bill Miles, Mr. & Mrs. Jaros the proud parents of Michelle, Zoe Swires proud wife of Bryden, Scott Mason, Kelli from CRDN, Dee Jackman, and Rev. Don Garrett.
President Larry wanted to remind everyone about: Journeys End Refugee Services tour Thurs Nov 8th at noon Please RSVP to Mark Tramont, Crossroads Springs Institute art sale for orphans Wed Nov 14 and Thur Nov 15th at the Roycroft Inn from 1 to 8pm & The KenTon Interservice Club Thanksgiving Dinner Nov 13th 6:30 PM at the Golf Dome RSVP to Larry. Mark Tramont reminded us about Rotary Leadership Institute Sat Dec 1st at NCCC 8 am to 4 pm club will cover the $65 tuition. Paul Chisholm made an announcement about the Christmas Party at Sean Patricks 12/3 at 6pm. Tickets will be on sale next week for $45. The meal choices will be Filet Mignon, Lobster Tail, Or Chicken Cordon Blue. We will be honoring Laurie at the Christmas party. Jim Logan announced that the Kenmore Rotary Foundation is accepting applications for grants through November 30th. They will be giving away $16k this year however $5k is already committed to Kenmore Mercy Hospital Foundation.
Larry called on Dist. Gov. Rick to help welcome new members Bryden Swires and Michelle Jaros Esq. to rotary. Welcome to Kenmore Rotary officially! We are so proud to have you in our family!
Finemaster Mike Hettler started by asking for confessions. Ted Purvis announced he was able to watch Notre Dame take the win as he took a trip to Indiana. He was fined $2 for his getaway. Mike led us in an expensive game where each table was able to choose their own fate by picking 2 of 3 categories with questions. They were Kenmore Rotary History, Current Events (as Mike Hettler defines them), or Miscellaneous questions. If you did not like the questions, your table could opt to pass for $2 each.... ouch! Our Dist. Gov. Rick picked Tom Lippard as the split club winner and Assist. Dist. Gov. Joe called Mark Tramont’s ticket for a chance at the Ace of Spades... too bad he pulled the Jack of Hearts!
Assist. Gov. Joe introduced Dist. Gov. Rick as our speaker. Gov. Rick is a third generation Rotarian who has received multiple Paul Harris Fellows among many other awards. Gov. Rick retired in 2009 after 25 years as President and CEO of a company he started. He spoke about the vision of RI Prseident Sakuji Tanaka in Peace through service. He shared various projects different clubs are working on and reminded us we are very close to eradicating polio! Gov. Rick informed us that there will be 3 Peace speaking forums this year. The information to those forums can be found on Gov Rick had us high five each other to help us remember the theme for 7090 this year! (1) Let's have fun in Rotary!( 2) Think outside the box... embrace change (3) Three P's (People- every club member is important, Programs- weekly meetings fun & interesting & challenging, Projects- service above self) (4) Let's make Rotary Foundation our Charity of Choice (5) Ask someone to join rotary!
It's not what you get that's important in life, it's what you give! As a thank you to Gov. Rick, Larry announced our donation of $1,735.09 to Polio Plus.