October 29 Ken
Writer: Jim Logan Invocation: Bob Nowak
Greeter/Split Club: Ed Markarian Finemaster: Ed Markarian
Sergeant-at-Arms: Tom Lippard
2nd Publication:
Bryden Swires (Salvation Amry)
In Honor of Laurie
When: We hope to honor her at the Christmas Party
Please work on notes of thanks and well wishes to Laurie for her service to our club. We will compile them in a book to present to her. Scanned pictures of Rotarians and spouse can be included too. We think she'd really like that. Send all notes and pictures to: kenmorerotary@aol.com. Or mail in to the Rotary Office
President Larry brought the meeting to order and called on Bob Nowak to give the Invocation. We were then led By President Larry in the singing of a new version of God Bless America. I don't think Larry will be called on to be the half time entertainment for the Super Bowl!
Announcements; Joe Starck and his Operation Santa Committee will be meeting after next weeks membership meeting. The club recieved its annual contribution to Operation Santa from a previous recipient in the amount of $250. Nobody knows how long this individual has been contributing but it has been a number of years. It’s good to know that we do make a difference. The Service Clubs Thanksgiving Dinner will be held on November 13@ 6:30 p.m. at the Golf Dome and the Kenmore, Tonawanda, Grand Island and Buffalo Sunrise Clubs will be having breakfast at Amigos to hear the Group Study presentation from our brothers from the Philippines. The club will honor Laurie Kudla at our December 3, 2012, Christmas Party. If you have not completed the club survey please do and turn it in to Larry.
Congratulations to STU SCHNETTLER for picking for the second time the ace of spades worth over $273 ! President Larry won the split club.
The phantom Fine Master Ed Markarian took control and tried his hardest to stump the membership on Halloween movie trivia. President Larry confessed that Pat Griffin didn't send him the introduction for todays speakers. Bob Dimmig finished 550 out of 10,000 runners at the Columbus half marathon and Ted Purvis told us about his visit to Vegas ( What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas).
Tony Decillis came to President Larry's rescue and did his usual great job introducing our speakers Andy Cammarata and Brian Brown - Cashdollar from Journey's End Refugee Services. Journey's End is a Christian community based organization with the mission of welcoming refugees without regard to ethnic origin or creed and to assist them to become healthy, independent, contributing members of the community. Services provided include Immigration legal, resettlement, youth, employment and language interpretation. Since 1984 Journey's End has brought 40,000 refugees to Buffalo and there are currently 5,000 students attending the Buffalo schools.
- Jim Logan