The Ken Writer:  Chuck Patterson                                                      

Prayer: Pat Griffin

Visiting Rotarians: Bill Brucker                                             

Sergeant-at-Arms: Ed Gray                               

Finemaster: Jim Austin       

Shari McDonough: INVOCATION

Mark Mondanaro: GREETER       

President Larry rang the “bell” at12:42 ,followed by the Pledge and The Grand Old Flag. Invocation was given by Pat Griffin, then Ed Hoffman introduced his wife Pat as our guest. Visiting Rotarian was William Miles from the Tonawanda club.

Barb gave a announcement about the Shred it event 10/6,President Larry talked about the District conference Oct.12,13,14 in Brandford,Ont.  Also the Group study exchange was postponed till Nov.5,2012. Jim Logan mentioned that the Kenmore Rotary Foundation was now accepting requests for grants.

We then had a big event involving the induction of two new members, Ted Purvis and Robert Nowak. Welcome !

The fine master was Jim Austin. Confessions from Augie one happy $1, Mark Tramont for his trip to GOP convention and upcoming Europe tour, Barb donated $10 for a wonderful time at the B&B she received as a past Ted donated happy$ as he had the privilege of golfing with Scotty Bowman. Then Jim Austin asked each table to answer questions about songs from different decades. It was amazing how many “well known songs” were not well known. Last was the split club in which Chuck Patterson won $14 and Jim Austin drew the king of clubs.

Our speaker was LisaWylie who talked to us about a program she runs called Honor Flight.It has 117 hubs in 40 states. They take veterans tofrom WW11and fly them to Washington DC to see the monument and the memorials that were erected in there honor. Norman Hamiester first spoke about his experience and how emotional it was. The Buffalo chapter was founded in memory of Lisa’s father S/SGT Robert P Wylie with her sister Jo Ann. They average 3-5 flights per year with 27 veterans plus escorts per flight. There is no cot to the veteran but escorts pay $375 round trip.  A typical day is to arrive at the airport at 5am, fly Southwestto Baltimore where they pick up a bus that takes the 20 minute drive to Washington DC.  They are greeted by service men as they arrive and are given a motorcycle escort to DC.  They usually see the WWII memorial, the Korean memorial, Lincoln Memorial, changing of the Guard at Arlington t the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, then on to the Marine Corp, Navy, & Air Force memorials before dinner at the Golden Coral.  Finally they board a plane and head home.  It’s a long and emotion filled day for many of the attendees.  If you want to donate to further their work you can do so at  The meeting was closed at 1:43pm by the gong.


                                                                                    Chuck Patterson