The Ken
Team October:
Joe Starck SGT @ ARMS
Tony Decillis KEN WRITER
Larry Coon started the meeting at 12:40pm. He apologized for having missed last week’s meeting and asked us to pray for Char and her family as they deal with Chars Moms death. He thanked Bob Dimmig for coming up with a program on short notice. We then had the pledge followed by "The Grand Old Flag". We had one visitor and that was Scott Mason from Realty USA and was a guest of Pat Griffin. Shari McD’s prayers included Gordie Elwell and Don Cloudsley.
Announcements were next and included a request to sign up for meals for October. We were also reminded not to forget the shred it event on October 6th and the Rotary Conference at Transit Valley on September 29th. Ted Purvis put a plug in for the Amherst East Rotary Club which is selling the Entertainment books.
Our fine master Jim Austin took a couple of confessions, and everyone must have felt guilty since we had a ton of confessions. Tom Lippard talked about Marilyn’s and his trip to Europe. Stu was missing because of Boy Scout promotions, Jerry Gentile and his trip to Italy, then Mark Tramont confessed also going to Europe for 10 days for their 29th anniversary. Pat Griffin felt like an underachiever only going to the Florida Panhandle. Last Paul Chisholm paid a fine for attending his Mothers 95th birthday. Jim took pitty on us and said this was his last week of name that tune. Needless to say no one guessed what he stated should have been obvious. For the 50's an Elvis tune called "Big Hunka Love" 1959, then something from 76 by Simon and Garfunkle "50 ways to leave your lover". The 3rd table missed Winchester Cathedral from 1966, and last our table missed a Billy Joel tune called "Tell her about it.".
Tom Lippard won $22 from the split club, and John Coogan drew the 2 of hearts.
A sheet was passed out on how to use our Clubrunner website. How to log in, and edit your information. In case you missed it you go to input your first and last name with no spaces and 333 at the end, then the password is 333.
Larry started the club assembly amid a scandal caused by Joe Stark. It was found out that the cookies had progressed to Joe’s table and never moved to any other tables. And were now all gone. Larry being the great leader he is quickly dealt with the issue and moved on to what is happening with the club, its transition to its new home, the need for us to wear our Rotary pins outside of Rotary every day. He talked about the new process for District Grants, the status of Polio Plus, our moving into the 21st century with Clubrunner. He asked for volunteers for the Group Study Exchange (GSE) team coming from the Philippines that we are hosting on Fri Nov 9. The GSE breakfast is Wed Nov 7. There was a lot covered in a short time. He gonged the mtg closed at 1:37pm.
Chuck Patterson