The Ken July 19, 2021
Attendance: Bob Paterson
Split Club: Bob Paterson     
Invocation: Rick Graham
Fine Master: Holly Nowak
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Brendan opened our meeting at 12:24 right after Liz took our orders off the menu. We gave our pledge to the flag and Rick Graham gave an inspirational invocation.
Holly announced that we are going to help Graycliff at 6472 Old Lake Shore Road in Derby, NY with some landscaping and pick flowers that they will sell in their boutique 7/29 from 4-6. At 6:00 we will get a private tour of the conservancy. Cradle Beach is having Sunshine Day this year. We cannot participate in person, but we will still put together goodie bags for their prizes and send them ice cream. Details to follow. Brandon announced that the board approved 1 sign  for our adopted section of the Greenway Trail. Bandon, Larry, and Michelle Lockett walked the Trail that starts around Isle View Park and heads north to the condominiums. Our biggest commitment is to police it about 3 times a year for fallen trees and debris. I won the 50 / 50 and Brandon won the chance for the Ace. I bought his chance with my 50 / 50 winning and blew it on the Queen of diamonds.
Our speaker asked to speak early today so Brandon introduced Leslie Drdul to bring us up to date on the Boys and Girls Club of the Northtowns. She explained how they handled the  challenges with covid and seam to be heading in the right direction. They do a great job to inspire and enable young people to reach their full potentials as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. This was a great delivery of an important message by Leslie, who is putting in her Kenmore Rotary application. Great to have you aboard. Holly gave us more rain trivia and raised a bit of money. There were no confessions, so Brandon adjourned us at 1:24.