Director: Brandon Blatz
Fine Master: Phil Michalowski
Table/Split Club: Karen Kulakowski
Invocation: Rick Graham
Ken Writer: Stephen Blass
President Brandon called the meeting to order with a Pledge to the Flag. Rick led us in prayer. He then introduced our speakers and guests.
Holly thanked everyone for a great Sunshine Day. Holly then gave announcement for KENtoberfest. Looking for a Beer tent sponsor for $1,500 and Music for $1,000. Karen found pumpkins for the kid area. Kenmore Mercy Hospital is a sponsor. Everything else is looking good. Larry then mentioned the Meat Raffle on December 1 at Kenmore Knights of Columbus. We will need 12 volunteers. Lisa Davidson will take care of the baskets. Need to raise $6,000 for signage and view finders for Niagara River. Rick mentioned that there will be a 100 Anniversary Meeting on August 23 at 4:00pm. Steve said the Bison game went well. Steve mention Speakers for 8/28/23 BestSelf Behavioral Health and September 4, 2023 NO MEETING. Then Larry introduced the speaker John White Mayor of the City of Tonawanda. Mayor White talked about the revitalization of Down Town Tonawanda. There was a lot talked about to mention everything, but the plans look great. Ron won the 50/50 and Paul pulled the 5 of Clubs. Jackpot is up to $239. Confessions: Tim celebrated his grandson 1st birthday and his 6th wedding anniversary. Larry missed a few meetings and went to Clayton, NY for his nephew wedding and Indiana for a family reunion. Phil did trivia on the Great Lakes again, but promised next week no more Great Lake Trivia. He also fined everyone who didn’t make Sunshine Day.