The Ken 8/22
Posted by Chuck Patterson
The Ken: Monday August 22, 2016
This weeks meeting was at Marrotos since Jovi’s was unavailable. The table was manned by Past President Paul Chisholm and Ron Levea , and Chuck Patterson was the writer of the Ken. The Meeting opened at 12.45 pm but since no gong was present Jim just announced it. We also skipped the patriotic song and pledge since we had no flag. Jim Austin, our new President was the master of Ceremonies Next Chuck Patterson gave the weekly prayer, and then Ron Levea introduced Dave Evens from Central Niagara Rotary and Donna who was Bob Werners driver, we had on other visitors.
Next was announcements, a thank you to Larry Coon for bringing all the kids to help at Cradle Beach Day. The Moon Dance boat ride on August 30th was promoted, cost $20/person, pay at the boat. Shred-It was promted - date was moved then moved back - to be discussed at a meeting after the Rotary meeting. Last everyone was reminded that Friday December 9th is the Christmas party.
Next was the split club and our visiting Rotarian was the winner winning $13 and then had the honor of drawing for the Ace of Spades but unfortunately he drew a 7 of hearts.
Finally we got to the fine master who was Paul Chisholm. I was asked to bring up a lot of issues Paul could be fined for, but since he was the fine master and I wanted to keep a low profile I didn’t bring them up. Joe Stark was fined for missing Sunshine Day. Everyone was fined for no name tags - which didn’t seem fair since somebody forgot to bring them. Paul though had a lot of other fines he leveed. Brian Ahern for winning a club champinship at Park CC, Tim Glor for attending a 50th reunion, Rick Graham for being lucky at the Casino.
Mike Austin then introduced Bob Werner as our speaker, and he talked about the many places our club had met and what the old days in Kenmore was like. He talked about how we first met at the YWCA in the old Ebert mansion, from there to the Continential Inn, the Royal Knight which became Morgans, then the Philp Sheridan School, the Village Green and finally Jovi’s. He also talked about our first President Frank Morgan, and our piano player Mike Fink and other early club members as Moores, Longs, Werners and Thompsons, where their businesses were and what Kenmore was like at that time. Last he talked about our foundation and how F Paul Norton was instrumental in forming it. The meeting was closed at 1:35 pm.