The Ken 8/29
Attendance: Bill Brucker
Split Club: Michaelene Bernat
Invocation: John Coogan
Fine Master: Pat Griffin
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
The Ken 8/29
At 12:40 Mike started the meeting with our Pledge. John Coogan gave the invocation and Bryden led us in a slower than usual attempt of “God Bless America”. Our guests today was past president of our club, Augie Cosentino and his grandson Christopher Wilson. Larry introduced his guest Gary Hoy, who will speak to our club about video marketing on our websites. Bob Werner introduced his friend Donna Miller.
Announcements began with a thank you from Tom Lang for the wonderful turn out for tonight’s Moondance sail. Tom said there is room The Ken 8/29/2016
for more if there are any last minute takers. Please get there between 5:30 and 5:45. Gary Roberts is narrowing in on a tour of the Darwin Martin House. It looks to be 9/28 or 9/29 and sometime around 5:30 and 6:00 for an hour tour. We will have a dinner somewhere after. It is going to be around $40.00 per person. Details are still being worked out. Jim Logan was panicking with the ambiguity of Gary’s attempts. Scott is already getting Shred-It calls from past customers. Isn’t it great that our brand is gaining ground?
Fine Master Pat Griffin asked for confessions but interrupted himself, only as Pat can, by trying to get retaliation fines levied against Tom Lang. It sounded like Larry had something on Tom about a past speaker. Tom didn’t bite but paid a bribe so Pat would drop the subject. Inquiring minds such as mine will liquor Tom up tonight and try to get him to squeal. Stay tuned. Pat fined Jim for picking on Gary. Jim Prichard confessed to partaking in a movie being produced at the “Riv”. Jim will pay again if his line is used in the movie. Pat proceeded to question us on our Olympic trivia. We raise a few bucks. Good job Pat.
Jim P won the $17 split club and Eddie missed the Ace of Spades.
At this time Eddie introduced our speaker, Christopher Wilson, Augie’s grandson. Christopher has his bachelors in IT, and a Masters in organizational leadership. At one point Chris was asked how he is going to make this a better world. This got him thinking. Chris applied for the Peace Corp and after a thorough investigation and health testing, Chris was accepted. In 2014 Chris went to Tanzania, Africa. Chris was sent to a host family, learned Swahili and was assigned as a health volunteer. Quite a change for Chris who started as IT and is now in Health Care. At one point, in Africa, far away from all he knew, Chris received a call from a young lady who asked to bum a ride to a concert she knew Chis was attending. Once Chris saw her, he knew she would be his wife. They were married shortly after.
Chris had lots of time to think. He was always interested in herbal medicine and began researching it. He noticed there were not the many diseases in Africa that we have in the US. The diet and the quality of food there was very basic. Christopher started Soul in Wonder. Discover self. Expand self. Reinvent the world. To learn more about his Holistic Healing Services, please visit Great program given by an inspiring mind.
Meeting adjourned.