The Ken September 19, 2022
Attendance: Steve Blass for Chuck Patterson
Split Club: Steve Blass     
Invocation: Gary Roberts
Fine Master: Phil Michalowski
The Ken: Sue Jandzinski
We opened the meeting with the Pledge and Invocation from Gary Roberts. Our guest
today was Hannah-Jane Drake from the band Fourth Fret who will be performing this week
at Ken-toberfest.
Cathy Piciulo announced a few changes to our weekly luncheons:
 Beginning next week, the guest speaker will present after announcements so as to
allow the speaker to enjoy his/her lunch prior to the conclusion of the meeting.
 Also, we will be working with Liz from The Dome, to set up a system whereas
Rotarians fill out a pre-printed slip to indicate their menu/lunch choice. It was
thought that this may make things a bit easier and to eliminate delays in service.
More to come.
Shred-it is scheduled for October 15, 2022/ 10am-2pm @ the Kenmore Commons. Signs
will be coming.
Patrick and Larry Coon will confirm the date for a joint cleanup day at Isle View Park.
Kenmore Rotary/Satellite club. – Rumor has it; Patrick will be a baby ice cream cone for any
Rotarians that volunteer!
Ken-Toberfest is 5 days away – Call Cam with any questions!
Liquor Tasting is scheduled for October 12 th at Park CC. More information to come.
Sue J won the Split Club - $16 and Steve Blass picked the Ace of Hearts [so close!]
Phil challenged us to some trivia and again, got those not wearing pins for $1 - $40 in fines
today! Great job Phil!
“Hannah” Jane Drake, Marketing Director at the Giambra Team shared with those in
attendance her journey from Skaneateles to UB to her position and role at the Giambra
Team along with her band Fourth Fret. She serenade the group and believe me when I say,
she has a wonderful voice!
Respectfully submitted:
Sue Jandzinski