The Ken April 10
The Ken April 10
Attendance: Dick Hanaburgh
Split Club: Brian Ahern
Invocation: Gary Roberts
Fine Master: Jim Austin
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge. Barb led us in “America” and Gary gave our invocation. Gary asked that we remember Pat Hoffman, past President Ed Hoffman’s wife who passed away. She was a lovely person. Guests today were Julia Fink and Patty Notara.
Rick announced we are looking good with the Wine Event. They are pleased with sponsorships but would like more baskets and attendance. Gary will do the Armenian raffle the next 2 weeks. You can buy $10 chances (# of chances are usually 50) for a chance to win a 42” TV. The money we raise helps us purchase the main auction item. This year it is a professional wine cooler filled with all kinds of wines.
Scott also is on track with Shred-It. He still can use volunteers. Remember, the spring shred-It brings out many more people so he can use the help. Brian is working the signup sheets. The date is April 22. Larry, announced as he walked in the door at 12:45, that he has lawn signs.
John Coogan received his check for drawing the Ace last week. John confessed to winning the NCAA basketball pool this week that made our check insurmountable. Nevertheless, congrats John. John always buys lots of tickets so I’m sure we are still ahead of him. Larry got real good exposure in the Town for the “Purple Pinky” program he put on. More to educated the public what it is all about. Thank you Mike Ford for participating. Also a director of youth somewhere asked Larry to speak about our RYLA program somewhere. I’m sure he did and did a great job doing it. Brian would like to host a bread making class to show us how he makes this mouthwatering bread.
Mike introduced his dad, Jim Austin as today’s Finemaster. Rick Graham confessed to his niece being on TV and his grandson was selected for the Ontario Hockey League out of 1200. They choose 300. Great accomplishment. Tim Glor announced that he and Jacquie had a wonderful time as Shari’s guest at the Boys and Girls Club event at Klienhans. Don’t we all miss Shari? Audrey and our accountants Joe, Ed and Ted? Mike was also there with Gary as his date. Mike arranged for a ride in case the evening didn’t go well. I guess it did and there was something mentioned about breakfast??? Paul confessed to a wonderful dinner at Ahearn’s with the Patterson’s. Jim proceeded to quiz us about April Fools history. We went around the room and whoever told a funny prank was exempt from fines. There were many funny pranks, but Rene’s was the best when her manager took clients out for lunch and she called the restaurant in advance and asked them to decline his card. Rene, you are so naughty.
Gary won the split club and Art missed the Ace of Spades on a new deck. Bob Blatz and Ron won the fig, anis bread.
At this time, Mike introduced our speaker Julia Fink. Julia is the owner of Welcome Buffalo magazine. This magazine is rarely read by WNY’ers because it is in Hotels. 93 to be exact. She started the magazine 31 years ago with 39 Hotels. Tourism is very important to our community. Over twelve million people vacation here a year. We offer world class restaurants, boutiques, events, theaters, and professional sports. Julia was kind enough to present us all with a hard copy of the magazine. Let me tell you, it’s no rag.
Larry closed the meeting by reminding us he and Brian desperately need volunteers for the Big Picture Mentoring Program. They would like 6 and would like to test the waters for the rest of the year. It hibernates through the summer. Then we will be ready to go for the ’17 – ’18 school year. 1 hour on Wednesdays at noon. You will meet with the same high school student every week. How can you not develop a relationship with an individual you otherwise would never have had a chance to?
Another great meeting. Meeting adjourned