The Ken April 18
Posted by Jeff Markarian
Split Club: Tim Glor
Attendance: Barb Henry
Finemaster: Larry Coon
Invocation: Tim Glor
The Ken – April 18, 2016
Paul started our meeting promptly after Jovi’s wonderful taco lunch. Bryden led us in signing God Bless America. Tim followed with a prayer. However, it was difficult for me to focus. Brian Ahern gave me a piping hot loaf of spouted purple barley sourdough bread with flax, pumpkin and sesame seeds. Thank you Brian. I will be your Ginny pig any time.
A very enthusiastic announcement was made by Scott Mason. He was real happy with the help he got from you Rotarians on Shred It. And the results showed it. Scott figures we made a profit of $7500. He gave a huge shout out to Barb Henry for coming up with the idea. And I must confess I was suspicious myself. Scott challenged the Wine Event for another great success. Scott wanted to give special thanks to Jim Prichard, Brian Ahern for the print outs and the social media blasts. Donna D. for her emails and to John Coogan, Paul Chisolm, Joe Arcara, Rick Graham, Larry Coon and I couldn’t keep up with all else he was thankful for. PS Eddie accepted the throw down.
Larry Coon asked for help getting the Slap Shot kids to their retreat just outside of Hamilton. I believe it was 2 kids and you need to leave around 2:00.
Larry was the fine master and took many confessions. Rick Graham won a basket at Watson’s grand opening. He will re gift it for the wine event. Holly confessed that she had a great time at Shred It. Ron Levea’s friend showed up the wrong day to help with Shred It. Pat predicted Cubs – Red Sox World Series. With that Bryden taunted that he will be going to Phoenix on vacation and is going to the Razorback / Pirates game. John Coogan had a Trump tie on. Joe Starck couldn’t make Shred It so he donated $5 to the Wine Event (go figure). Larry continued with Music Trivia and raised lots of money.
Brian Ahern won the Split Club, Gary lost on the chance at the Ace of Spades. Gary sold the last few numbers of the Armenian Raffle so we could have the drawing. New member to be Damon Piatek won.
Paul welcomed Shari McDonough back. For those that are new to our club, Shari is a Kenmore Rotarian. She has been instrumental in getting our largest Fund Raiser, The Wine Tasting Event, to the level we are at now. She is a remarkable leader who is now using her talents to help the Boys and Girls Club of Buffalo. Kenmore Rotary supports this club. The Boys and Girls Club of Buffalo started by Buffalo Rotary in 1926. In 1986 they started to let Girls in. The Boys and Girls Clubs are a safe place to learn and grow – all while having fun. It is the place where great futures are started each and every day. Their P&L showed a negative $308,141 when Shari started almost a year ago. To this date they are positive $91,777. Great job.
Thank you for sharing with us today Shari.
Meeting adjourned.