The Ken August 21, 2017
Attendance: Dick Hanaburgh
Split Club: Chuck Patterson / Phil Michalowski
Invocation: Ed Hackerl
Fine master: Mike Hettler
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
We started our meeting in usual style. Chuck led us in “God Bless America” and Ed Hackerl gave our invocation. Our guests today were Tricia Hughes and Caitlyn Eagan from the Alzheimer’s Association.
Tom thanked everyone who helped out with Sunshine Day. Especially Holly. Also, Moondance is Tuesday 8/29. Seats are filling up so if you want to go, please email me and I’ll put you on the list. Lastly Dick announced he and Scott will hold the first shred-It meeting today after our regular meeting. The fall Shred-It is 10/14.
Our Finemaster today is Mike Hettler. Mike took confessions. Ted celebrated his aunt’s aunt and uncle’s 60th wedding anniversary. Paul’s phone and car died but he was still able to come in 2nd at the clubs member tournament. Mike Austin and John were not to be out done. They golfed at John’s club and Mike got closest to the pin. And Mike celebrated his and Debbie’s 1 year anniversary of meeting each other. Mike Ford got an autograph signed by Tyrod Taylor for his son and got a new puppy. Art confessed to just purchasing his first cell phone. We asked Art not to mention that to too many people. Art apologized for missing a few meetings. He was on vacation. Mike Hettler proceeded to beat up almost everybody pretty good.
The split club was won by Pat Griffin and Ron missed the Ace of Spades.
At this time, Art asked Mike to introduce our speakers. Tricia Hughes and Caitlyn Eagan from the Alzheimer’s Association. Tricia is no stranger to Rotary. Her dad was a Rotarian. Tricia and Caitlyn went over the difference between dementia, the inability to think reason, and remember where Alzheimer’s is not a disease but a group of symptoms that accompany certain diseases. Alzheimer’s touches so many people. Please visit their website, to learn more.
Meeting adjourned