The Ken August 28, 2017
Attendance: Barb Henry
Split Club: Chuck Patterson
Invocation: Ed Hackerl
Fine master: Mike Hettler
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
We started our meeting in usual style. Barb led us in “God Bless America” and Ed Hackerl gave our invocation. Our only guest today was our speaker Mark Natalie.
Tom announced the Moon dance is all set for Tuesday. I am writing this Thursday and it was a wonderful evening. Thank you Tom for pulling this off. The couple’s events we have are truly a lot of fun. Scott is in a bit of a scramble. Larry’s Interact helpers are tied up the day we are scheduled for Shred-It. Scott and Art are working out the details Please stay tuned.
Mike Hettler came up to impose fines after a Rotary fine record from last week. I confessed to being empty nest. Tim Glor confessed his marriage to Jacquie. Tim sold his building and is in semi-retirement phase. Tim you worked so hard all these years, it’s great to see this. You deserve it. Jim Logan was away for 2 weeks on an Alaskan last journey cruise. Jim advised us, if we were to do this take it in July rather than August. It rained every blanety blank day. Ted Purvis mentioned his brother-in-law is fine in Austin TX. Why shouldn’t he be, Austin is 200 miles west of Houston. Pat Griffin gambled with a rubber ducky at the Buffalo Rotary Rubber Ducky race at canal side. Pat is easily amused. Dawn’s daughter got engaged this week. Also, Dawn accepted a part time associate faculty position at Bryant and Stratton. Dawn was involved with some other events but I missed them. Mike Ford got a new car. Ed and I were fined for no name tags.
John Coogan won the split club and Dawn missed the Ace of spades.
Mike Ford introduced our speaker, Mark Natalie from the American Heart Association. Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in NY, and stroke is the #5. Mark explained that the symptoms of a heart attack is different between men and women. For men it is like an elephant is on your chest, with woman, it can be as simple as an achy jaw. More woman suffer heart attacks than men. Only 20% is hereditary. The rest is healthy living and diet. Sodium is a real factor. Visit their website, www.americanheart to learn more how you can prevent this over whelming disease. Very informative program.
Meeting adjourned