The Ken


Director: Holly Nowak

Finemaster: Jim Logan

Table attendance/Split club: Holly Nowak

Ken writer: Pat Griffin

Invocation: Tim Glor


 Past President Donna opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:20. Tim Glor led us in prayer.

Holly introduced our guest, Christine Pilozzi and Larry introduced speaker John Hanover and John Alcinio.

Announcements: Paul informed us that Jim Austin is in hospice, please keep Mike Austin and his family in your prayers. Cathy updated us on the Christmas Gala,it will be a event to thank all the service clubs at Park CC. Each organization can decide if thy want to do any fund raising, we will do a basket raffle dedicated to Operation Santa on 12/7.

 Holly is excited that Kentoberfest has the liquor license and everything is now flowing along. Volunteers are needed to set up at 11 am and clean up after 7 pm as well as during the event.

 50/50 Split, Christine won $9 and Donna drew the 8 of spades.

 Finemaster Jim asked for confessions and Tim was proud to announce that his daughter gave birth to a boy. Congratulations! Cathy celebrated their 28th wedding anniversary.

Jim fined anyone with shorts on a 90 degree day $2. Gary and Steve got hit with fines for wise remarks.

 Our trivia of the day was about the Beatles. What was the last song John Lennon played to a paid audience? I saw her standing there.

Which Beatle crossed Abby road first? John Lennon

The Beatle song that was written for Mia Ferrows sister? Dear Prudence. We didn’t get any of those correct but Jim asked additional questions and Tim got one right, for the wrong table though.

Larry introduced our speaker John Hanover from Wheels for Workers 716 connects local refugees with jobs. Definition of a refugee is someone that fears for their life and flees their country.

Johns organization refurbish bikes to donate to the new arrivals as most do not have any form of transportation. Three ways to help are 1-donate a bike 2-donate money and 3- donate time. 350 bikes were refurbished and delivered so far. It takes about 7 hours to make repairs on each one.

Lets help them out as these our future employees.

 Monday is Labor Day and there is no meeting. Monday 9/12 we have Kelly Copps from

 Second Generation Theatre as our speaker, so please come and support our guest.

Be safe and see you soon.
