The Ken August 8, 2017
Attendance: Chuck Patterson
Split Club: Dick Hanaburgh
Invocation: Ed Hackerl
Fine master: Ed Hackeral
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
We started our meeting in usual style. Barb led us in “God Bless America” and Ed Hackerl gave our invocation. And just an extra boost wishing Hal White to get well. Holly introduced our only guest, our speaker, Doug Elia from TM Montante Group.
First announcement was from Holly urging us to sign up for sunshine Day Wednesday 8/16. No meeting Monday 8/4. Chuck is doing Panera Bread sandwiches, so a head count is important. Tom announced the signup sheet for Moondance is also at the front table. This will be 8/29. Be there no later than 5:45. $20.00 / person. We are reaching out to potential new members to join us as our guest. Scott and Dick have a Shred – It meeting following the 8/21 regular meeting. Dick made an announcement about 2 events the Scouts are having. Their Golf outing 8/28 and the 20th annual Sporting Clays Classic 9/9/17. Details for both events are on their web site
Ed Hackerl was acting fine master today. Mike Austin confessed to being away on vacation and was able to watch a Yankee’s game from the first row behind the dugout. Now that he mentioned that, that would be real cool. Donna D. celebrated her 29th wedding anniversary. Ted bragged that his nephew, a Navy Seal threw out the first pitch at a Yankees game. Ed gave each table riddles to solve.
Split club was won by Rick Graham and Ed H. missed the Ace of Spades.
At this time, Holly introduced our speaker, Doug Elia. A Clemson graduate and President of the Montante Construction segment of the Group. TM Montante Group is made up of Montante Construction, TM Montante Development and Montante Solar. Doug touched on all three aspects of this local Group. Their mission is to Build Smart, Build Efficient and Build Better. Doug took us through many of the impressive projects they are involved in throughout WNY. Another fine piece of the Buffalo Renaissance.
Great program.
Meeting adjourned