The Ken


Director: Brandon


Table attendance/Split club: Paul

Ken writer: Pat

Invocation: Rick


 President Brandon opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance at 12:31. Rick Graham led us in prayer.

Paul introduced our guests; Greg Stevens, Michelle Lockett, Jim Jones, Kevin Crosby, John Hannon 

Larry Introduced our Speakers, Kevin from Buffalo Sunrise club spoke about the Niagara Greenway Steering committee. It was launched in 2018 with 10 clubs. The committee has one member from each club. A cluster grant is in the making, each club will apply for a amount that they see fit and Rotary District will match up to $2000.00.

Greg Stevens shared with us on why it is good for Rotary. We will get a lot of visibility and it is appealing to our students from Interact and Rotaract. The Niagara-Greenway trail is the largest off road trail in the United States. There is signage and benches with the Rotary logo that our club donated on our section of the trail.

Michelle reminded us that Earth Day is April 22nd. She is coordinating the cleanup for each trail and our club committed to clean up our trail between 10-1 on that day. Our section is Isle View Park. Michelle encouraged our club to set up a monthly activities calendar for the trail. It can be something as simple as a walk of the trail.

John introduced us to the Wheels for workers 716 project. They acquire donated bikes mostly in need of repairs and when they are ready they are donated to the needy which are mostly refugees that have no means of transportation. This allows them to get into the workforce. So far 560 bikes have been donated. Our club donated $1000.00 for a work station. We presented John with the check today. NYS law requires the bikes to be equipped with bells, the Satellite club is spearheading this and we donated $5000.00 for 1000 bells that will have the Rotary logo on them. This is enough for 1000 bikes. Today we presented a check to Jim Jones.

Jim also announced that the Satellite club is going to have a paint recycling event in March. Our club committed to helping the advertise it.

Split club drawing was won by Kevin and he was kind enough to donate it back to the club. Thanks Kevin! Jim Jones drew the 10 of clubs.

Finemaster Cameron asked for confessions; Pauls' grand daughter came in 1st place in her diving competition. I shared that my nephew graduated from the police academy and will be a City of Buffalo officer .Cam fined himself mega bucks for missing 2 meetings. He also stumped us on a number of Christmas trivia questions.

The next meeting is January 9th. Have a wonderful and safe holiday. 
