The Ken December 12
The Ken December 12
Attendance: Barb Henry
Split Club: Donna DiFrancesco
Invocation: Chuck Patterson
Fine Master: Mike Ford
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge, Barb led us in “America” and Chuck Patterson gave our Calming invocation. Chuck asked that we keep Pat in our Prayers for a speedy recovery from surgery. And also, let’s pray for brother John Riordan who is still in the hospital.
Tom gave our first announcement. Tom thanked everyone for their participation in the Christmas party. He said we made $2,100 to go to Operation Santa. And, look forward to the next event February 26. This will be a tour of a vineyard in Niagara-On-The-Lake. Details to follow. Jim has extra tickets for Pirates of Penzance. Mike Ford purchased the auctioned items and is not able to use two of the dates. Friday, January 20 (maybe Saturday January 21), 8:00 shows and Sunday matinee January 22, 2:30 show. These tickets will be auctioned off at the Monday 12/19 meeting. Paul asked for us to make a motion to accept the following officers: Tom Lang, President, Donna DiFrancesco, president elect, Ted Pervis, Treasurer, Joe Arcara and Susan Jandzinski for a 3 year term. Paul asked that we make a temporary amendment for the time required for nominations to be posted. Both motions passed. Thank you to these members for stepping in to run our club.
Mike Ford might have made a record hall in fining with as heavy hand. Paul was fined for an obnoxious piece of pay personally served to him at the Christmas Party. Paul accepted a $50 fine. Audrey gave a $20 happy fine for being presented with a Paul Harris award at the Christmas Party. Audrey has been such a large part of our club. She has served on the board and she and Chris attend most of the events. Congratulations Audrey. Paul was fined again for interrupting Mike to give a pie pan to Chuck. Paul confessed to having a wonderful time with his grandson Christmas shopping. Tom was fined for accusing Mike not to have what it takes from the lower anatomy to fine him. $20. Susan J. interrupted the meeting with an announcement just in. Kenmore Mercy Hospital was chosen the top hospital out 115 in NY. They use many qualifiers to rate. Great job to KMH.
Susan won our raffle and soon to be new member, George Allen missed the Ace. Brian drew tickets for 2 loaves of bread. Won by Jim Logan and Donna D.
At this time, we were fortunate to have another member, Brian Ahern to present to us his organization, Charity Strong. Brian got motivated when arriving in Buffalo to put this together. As their mission statement says, “CharitySTRONG’s mission is to assist public charities in achieving the highest standards of board leadership, governance and oversight so that they can provide critical services in communities in New York State. We do this by connecting volunteers who want to join nonprofit boards to organizations that can use their help and by offering education and training for current and prospective nonprofit board members.” There many questions to follow. Good luck Brian in the endeaver.
Meeting adjourned