The Ken December 16, 2019
Attendance: Gary Roberts
Split Club: Bill Brucker    
Fine Master: Paul Chisolm
Invocation: Chuck Patterson
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
President elect Dick Hanaburgh called today’s meeting to order with a resounding ring of the gong. We gave out Pledge and Chuck Patterson gave our invocation that came right from the heart for he was ambushed. There were no guests. There will not be a meeting for the next 2 Mondays. We will resume normal schedule Monday January 6 where TM Montante will give us an overview of the Amazon deal.
Gary won the split club and Art missed the Ace.
Paul took confessions. Mike Austin’s daughter has been accepted into Niagara U. Great school Mike. Ellie graduated with a master’s degree last year from there and Colin is in his junior in a half year majoring in beer. I confessed to being in Pittsburg to see the Bills game. Great stadium and great fans that were good sports in their loss to the Bills. Susan Jandzinski is proud to announce the KMH ladies auxiliary raised $50K for the hospital through the gift shop and luncheons. Paul tested us on Christmas knowledge.
We did not have a speaker so after a little heckling and lots of fun, we snuck out a tad early. Happy Holidays. Let’s all remember what it is that makes your life meaningful and work diligently to accomplish that.
Meeting adjourned