The Ken December 17
Writer: Patrick Griffin
Prayer: Paul Chisholm
Visiting Rotarians: Jeff Markarian
Sergeant-at-Arms: Tom Lippard
Finemaster: Rick Graham
President Larry rang the “bell” at 12:30 and opened with the Pledge. Barb led us in America the Beautiful .Paul Chisholm provided the invocation asking us to continue to pray for the victims in Newtown,CT. President Larry was thrilled to induct Scott Mason as a new member, congratulations Scott, we are glad to have you on board!
Board members for upcoming year were announced. Pres. Larry asked members to use 1/21/13 Martin Luther King Day and 2/18/13 Presidents Day as “bring prospective members day”.
Pres.Coon wasn’t the only one noticing Gary Roberts and Tony Decillis causing a commotion during the meeting! Stu needs help from members to provide club info for clubrunner website. Joe Stark announced Operation Santa is a success and he’s still accepting donations. A donation came in from the Sleap family expressing their gratitude, Thanks Donna !
Jerry Gentile won the split club and John from the Boy Scouts had the chance to draw the ace of spades, came close with ace of clubs.
Jim Logan presented KR Foundation checks to the following: Cindy Mannino from the Anthony Mannino Foundation, to help cancer patients. Chris Kreiger from WNY Heroes, Inc., veterans coming home facing hardships will benefit from this. Pam Chrzanowski from Kevin Guest House, to help families afford to stay with loved ones treated @ Roswell. Mike Hettler accepted for Brian, Engineers Without Borders, for project to electrify villages in Peru. Stu Schnettler and a very accomplished Scout named John accepted for the Boy Scouts who are building 3 lean to’s at Camp Scout Haven.
Pres. Larry welcomed Bob Nowak to give his 5 minute talk, which we learned that he is a grateful man with many talents. Bob, thank you & Rachel for the generous donation to Operation Santa.
Pres LC announced the slate of Officers and Board members for next yr; see attached file to this KEN for details. Formal vote will be forthcoming.
Rick Graham asked for confessions and Bob Werner reminded us that he can be found in Venice, Fla. See you in the spring ! Trivia questions went unanswered.
Speaker was Bryden Swires from The Salvation Army. They were founded in 1857 by William Booth in London England. They are a faith based organization in 127 countries. They do not accept any government funding. Sobriety program’s success rate is double of national average with an annual budget of 6.3 million locally. The facility processes 20,000 garments daily. Group tours can be arranged like the one done for the Philippine Group Study Exchange team.
Also they are looking for locations to set up the collection containers. Please call Brydan if you are interested. This was a very informative presentation.
*President Larry reminded everyone to google 10 million charity miles giveaway and vote for Rotary. It’s very easy. You can vote daily from every device. Rotary is now in second place…. Please spread the word!
*Reminder: No meetings on Monday 12/24 or 12/31 ! Happy Holidays All!
Patrick Griffin Merry Christmas !!