The Ken December 18, 2017
Attendance: Scott Mason
Split Club: Dick Hanaburgh
Invocation: Chuck Patterson
Fine master: Audrey Meyers
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom began our meeting with the Pledge followed by God Bless America led by Chuck P. Chuck also gave our invocation. He asked that we keep Harold’s family in our thoughts with his passing. The only guest was Joe Suppa who will be our newest member next time we meet.
Tom announced that we will keep you informed on the details of Harold’s service later in January. Rick reminded us that we can make contributions to our foundation in Harold’s name. Kenmore Rotary Foundations or Kenmore Rotary Charities Inc. for the fund to go to Kenmore Rotary.
Tom is pleased to say that 90 families were helped this Christmas season with our involvement in the Town’s Fire Departments Operation Santa. It was a joint venture where we benefited by acquiring names of families that genuinely needed support. Rick Graham asked a good question regarding the contribution we get every year from a person who, several years back, benefited with our program. And yes, this individual still contributed. Tom reminded us that we will not meet again until January 8. Larry and the Interact club of Kenmore East and West could use some help January 25 and 26 around lunch time for the purple pinky program.
At this time Audrey took over as fine master. She removed her jacket that was zipped up to the neck and revealed a Buffalo Bills Jersey to show her appreciation for a great game Sunday. Sue J. was also in Bills attire. Audrey was a tad concerned that her fines were a bit much last week so she fined herself $20 for Chis being named poker player of the year. Immediately, new member to be, Joe Suppa, pounced asking to sell her a new house. Mike Ford had 2 confessions. First to thank Mike Austin for taking him to the Hockey game. Mike A. complained he tore a hamstring jumping up and down for the 4 goals we got. Mike F. also wanted to report that his mother’s house caught fire over the week end. No one was injured but we can only imagine the mess she’s in. No fine to Mike F but $1 per goal to Mike A. Ron Levea confessed to buying a Tyrod Taylor autographed mini helmet. I confessed that this afternoon I was finally going to beat Joe Suppa in racquetball. Well, that didn’t happen. In admiration for Chris’s skills in his profession, Audrey quizzed us on poker trivia. Surprisingly, the group knew a lot. Congrats to Chris.
Bob Blatz won the split club, Art missed the Ace. But Art did win an auxiliary raffle item presented by Phil Michalowski. It was small and beautifully wrapped. Only could imagine what was inside. Art, please share. Thank you Phil.
Our speaker was tied up in a Town emergency so Tom had an opened meeting. Tom said we couldn’t have elections because of a lack of board members. Tom assured us that this is being resolved. We do need a secretary. There was some discussions in the room from members contemplating. One in particular was Pat Griffin. Probably prompted by the awkward moment of silence following the request for help. Tom also asked that we be prompt with paying our dues. It helps our cash flow. Rick asked about the status of the Salvation Army’s membership. Bryden is still current but is being trained and has a rough time getting to the meetings.
With no further business to the good of Rotary, meeting adjourned.
Jeff Markarian