The Ken – February 27, 2023
Fine Master:  Sue
Attendance/Split Club:  Dick Hanaburgh
Ken Writer – Linda Sroka
Invocation – Sue
Note:  There no was no meeting on February 20, 2023 – Presidents’ Day
Brandon Blatz called the meeting to order at 12:19 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Sue
gave the invocation.
Announcements:  Larry noted that a Zoom meeting is scheduled for March 15th from 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. regarding youth services/scholarships. 
There is also a board meeting at 5:30 p.m. on March 15th to discuss and review ByLaws. 
Rick mentioned that the first meeting of the Centennial Committee took place last week.  Manpower needs and funding were discussed.  There will be a main event and several smaller events throughout the year.  
The Shred It Committee will meet March 6, 2023 following the regular weekly Rotary meeting.
Larry attended the wake of Brittany Helpard Mez who passed away on February 4, 2023.  She was the daughter of the late Ralph Helpard.  Former Rotary member, Rick Coates, also passed away.
Brandon reminded the group that the deadline for Bandits tickets is March 1st.
Guest Speaker:  Karen introduced our guest speaker, Catherine
Shick, PR Manager for FeedMore WNY which is the result of a merger between the Food Bank of WNY and Meals on Wheels for WNY.  The organization serves four (4) counties:  Erie, Niagara, Cattaraugus and Chautauqua. They partner with pantries, schools, food industry, and government.  Small food pantries rely on FeedMore for food, produce, and non-perishables.  Other partner organizations include: Feeding America, Feeding NYS, Food Bank Distribution Network, Meals on Wheels America, Meals on Wheels NYS, and other local/community Meals on Wheels.
Their main focus is on food insecurity which is the lack of access to nutritious food.  Food insecurity can be at different stages for different people, it can be seasonal for others (i.e. do I pay my heat bill or buy food for my family).   Those who suffer from food insecurity purchase more process foods which impacts health.  The client include babies, children, working families, veterans and everyone in between.  All are equally important.  There are two main locations:  James E. Casey Dr. in Buffalo where meals are prepared and Holt St which houses the distribution center.  5,000 meals are prepared each day. In 2021 over 1.3 million meals were prepared and served.  A team of social workers also focus on the welfare of their clients. 
FeedMore also hosts a workforce training program, RISE, focusing on those with high barriers to employment; teaching soft skills – financial, literacy, resume writing, nutrition education.  Participants receive a nationally recognized certificate in warehouse and logistics.
Needs include volunteers to: deliver meals, sort and pack food donations, assist with special events and food drives, make companion calls, tend community gardens, and make angel cards. For more info or to volunteer call 716-822-2002.
Split Club/Ace of Spades- Phil won the split club - $13.  Dick pulled the Jack of Diamonds. 
Confessions:  Donna donated $5 in honor of her grandson who turned 5 on February 26th.
Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.