The Ken Febrary 13
The Ken February 13, 2017
Attendance: Bill Brucker
Split Club: Jim Prichard
Invocation: Tom Lang
Fine Master: Paul Chisolm
Mike started our light crowd out with the Pledge. Mike took one look at our crowd and didn’t want to attempt a song. Tom Lang asked that we give a moment silence in honor of St. Valentine’s Day to reflect on all our loved ones who are no longer with us.
Tom also is putting the final touch on our great mid-winter social event. Again, this will be a tour of the Niagara Wine Region. Limo bus leaves Jovi’s 11:00 am March 5. Signup sheets are at the meetings or notify Tom. Mike reminded us to start pushing our 14th annual Wine Event. This is one of our larger events of the year so please look to see how you can support it. There are brochures available to hang in you windows at work. I can email you the pdf if you want to print one out. There has been an event created on our website to download the registration form. There is a glitch that is being worked out tomorrow so you can register on the website. Rick Graham chimed in that we depend on sponsorships from our members and those trends have been going down. He suggested we ask our vendors to help support this.
Paul Chisolm took over as Finemaster. Confessions were first heard from Tim Glor. Tim and Jacquie vacationed in the Dominican Republic recently. Also, Tim’s son took a job in FLA with Ernst and Young therefor leaving the teat. Brian warned us that his sour dough bread today was “Adventurous Souls”. One of the ingredients is cricket flour. Go figure, must be the protein. I bragged about Jeffrey’s trip out west. The Lake Erie shipping lanes are closed for the winter so Jeffrey and 2 of his friends are skiing all over the continent. They are living in tents. His friend’s dad just treated them to heli-skiing in British Columbia. I am of course nervous for him but proud of the task. Tom Lang thanked Jim for taking him to the Hockey game and something came up about a sausage and a beer. Mike asked if stamps would be an appropriate Valentine’s Day present. I suggested a brand, stamps might come off in the shower. Paul Fined Tom additionally for assuming men would prefer steak over sea bass. Paul gave President Lincoln trivia and it was very interesting.
Jim Logan won the 50 / 50 and Jim Prichard drew his own number but missed the Ace. Joe Starck won the Adventurous soul bread.
Paul introduced our program. Rick Hillman and his dad’s friend Mike gave a tremendous program about the Buffalo River. They touched on the value of our grain elevators. The elevators were essential for the well-being of our nation. So much so that the United States Armen Forces guarded them. Buffalo processed more immigration than Ellis Island. I really need to verify that before I use that at the next cocktail party. If true, which I am sure it is, puts it all in perspective. Rick and his dad own many of the boats that adorns our waterfront. The Spirit of Buffalo, River Queen and Harbor Queen to name a few. They give tours for all types of events. According to trip advisor, The Spirit of Buffalo and Buffalo and Buffalo River History are consistently ranked top things to do in Buffalo. Another great program that went over and no one cared.
Meeting adjourned