The Ken



Table Attendance/Split Club: Art Traver

Fine Master: Larry Coon

Invocation: Chuck Patterson

The Ken: Donna DiFrancesco


The meeting was called to order at 12:25 p.m. by President Dick, with a Pledge to the Flag and a warm prayer by Chuck Patterson.


Dick asked for announcements.  Larry said that the UB Rotaract club is very excited to work Shred-It with us in April. They will have their clean up the following weekend and would love for us to help them. I’m sure that can be arranged! Shred-It date has been confirmed by Pat for Saturday April 23. Larry won’t be in attendance but will have lots of helpers on hand. Larry also suggested, aside from announcements on social media, that an email be sent out club wide when there is going to be a speaker. Not everyone is online and don’t see when they are scheduled. He would have been in attendance at the last meeting had he known. Continuing on that subject, the speaker on Monday 2/28 will be Eric Ensminger from Marketing Tech. There is no meeting on Monday 2/21. There are also no speakers after February 28, so if anyone can help Steve Blass out with contacts or suggestions, that would be very helpful.


Split Club was won by Brandon and Rick picked for the Ace of Spades and got the 3 of Spades instead.


Larry filled in as fine master and quizzed us on Valentine’s Day. The St. Valentine’s Day Massacre was in 1929 and 7 people were killed. There is much debate as to when Valentine’s Day was started, but his research found it to be 6th Century B.C. There were some other facts he told us about how they celebrated it back then, but it’s a little too much to share! Larry did a lot of research!


We had no speaker, so the meeting was adjourned at 12:43 p.m. and we all enjoyed lunch.