The Ken Jan 7
Writer: Bob Dimmig
Prayer: Rick Graham
Visiting Rotarians: Bob Dimmig
Sergeant-at-Arms: Rick Graham
Finemaster: Rick Graham
Larry Ward had bypass surgery and is recovering well at McCauley Residence. After a couple weeks there, he will go to Weinburg Campus until he is able to drive again.
With wishes of a Happy New Year to the club, President Larry called the meeting to order at 12:30 on the dot – with a little help from an anonymous bell ringer. The Pledge of Allegiance was followed by ‘America’ led by Barb. Rick Graham offered the invocation. We were joined by fellow Rotarian Patti Johnson and three guests.
Under the heading of announcements, Joe Starck offered comments on Operation Santa and Ed Hacherl read a letter to the club from one of the families. Ted Purvis also thanked the club for his first time experiences with Operation Santa. One of our guests, Vicki, spoke briefly about conflict resolution activities. President Larry encouraged the club to invite prospective members to upcoming events.
Rick Graham stepped in to serve as Finemaster. There were questions about the new Bills coach, the new NHL contract and even confessions about New Year’s Day celebrations. The Split Club was won by Tom Lippard and Art Traver drew for the Ace of Spades, but he did not find the elusive card.
Our speaker was Mary Travers Murphy, former TV personality and Supervisor of Orchard Park, who is now Executive Director of the Family Justice Center. She described the nature and scope of abuse in our own community, the origins of the Center and the services it offers. All victims of domestic violence that attend the center leave with a safety plan. Some of the other services that victims of domestic violence can access at the center are an issue of order of protection via video-conferencing, counseling, forensic medical unit, legal assistance, and more. Mary welcomes anyone who would like to see the center to a tour so you can see what they do, why they do it, and how it works. For more information visit
Bob Dimmig