The Ken - January 16
The Ken January 16
Attendance: Michalene Bernat
Split Club: Pat Griffin
Invocation: John Coogan
Fine Master: Jim Prichard
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge, there was no song and Jim Prichard gave our invocation. We gave a big welcome back to Pat Griffin. Guests today were Pam Chrzanoski our speaker, Damon Piatek, Kate Haedinger, Stuart Schnettler and Jill O’Malley with Ken Ton closets.
It was an honor to induct George Allen, Jr and Daemon Piatek into the club. Please welcome these new members.
Our first announcement was regarding the wine tasting committee. They will meet Tuesday here at Jovi’s at 5:30. Tom Lang announced the wine tour will be Sunday, March 3. We are sorting out the logistics, but it appears we will meet at Jovi’s around 11:00, ride up to Wine Country, then come back and perhaps go to dinner. The wine tour will be $50.00. We will make an event so all the details will be available soon. There are a lot of people going so this could be a blast. Larry announced the details for the Purple Pinkie Project are as follows: Both the Kenmore East Interact Club and the Kenmore West Challenge / Interact Clubs will be painting pinkies purple and accepting donations on behalf of Kenmore Rotary to help eradicate the polio disease. Thurs Jan 26th from 10:15 to 1:00 at Lindbergh and Edison Elementary Schools. Fri Jan 27th same times at Franklin Elementary and Middle Schools and Hoover Elementary and Middle Schools. Please call Larry Coon if you'd like to help at one of the locations at 870-9721. Also, Hoover Middle School will be conducting a canned goods and non-perishable food drive for the food bank next week. Larry is asking if any of our members have donations to contribute that he will gladly accept them and get them delivered. Please bring them to the regular weekly meeting on Jan 23rd or make other arrangements with him.
At this time Jim Prichard came up to take confessions of our illustrious duties this past week and to fine us accordingly. Paul was first fined for, again being Paul. Jim fined himself for a lot of press he’s been getting for the Riviera Theater. Ted P was fined for imitating Larry and being substantially late. I confessed to feeling guilty about winning 2 Ace of spade drawings back to back. I broke Protocol and will donate $100 to RYLA. Jim was hacking on Tom Lang’s casual attire. So much that he had us all comment on our thoughts and was fined accordingly. Tom, I thought you looked good.
Damon won our split club and a loaf of bread donated by Brian. Bill Brucker broke in a new deck of cards, but lost the draw. Art won the 2nd loaf of Brains’ bread. Please do not take the bread lightly. These loaves are really good.
Mike presented Jill O’Malley a $2500 check from our Foundation for Ken Ton closets. KT closets is a 100% volunteer, nonprofit organization. This year they supplied cloths, toiletry packs and school supplies to 700 children in the Tonawanda’s. Jill will purchase socks and underwear, purchase a heavy duty cabinet for supplies and produce a video of children using Ken Ton closets with the grant from us.
Ted P introduced Pam Chrzanoski and Kate Haedinger from Kevin Guest House. Pam gave us an update on an organization that is also near and dear to Kenmore Rotary. KGH is going through an expansion. They purchased the building next to them. This year they serviced 1200 people and turned away 1400. The expansion will minimize the amount of people they have to turn away. Pam really sparked our interest for perhaps cooking a dinner one night for the guests.
Another inspiring program.
Meeting adjourned.