The Ken January 30
Posted by Jeff Markarian
The Ken January 30
Attendance: Gary Roberts
Split Club: Donna DiFrancessco
Invocation: John Coogan
Fine Master: Jim Logan
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge. Chuck Paterson led us in “America” and John Coogan gave our invocation. Guests were Pat Sullivan from Niagara County Central Club, Deoddrick Barnes from The Boy Scouts and Sandra Yeater from the Buffalo Rotary Club.
Tom announced that first of all no tie is ok for the younger generation, which proved to be a finable offense from a fine master that does not agree. Tom secondly asked us to sign up a tour of the northern wine country, in NY. The wine tour will meet at Jovi’s at 11:00, March 5, bus to wine country and back here around 5:00. You will then be done with Rotary’s portion of the event, but feel free to hook up for a dinner somewhere. Audrey gave an announcement on behalf of past member Nick Alberera about a 13th annual event sponsored by his new club, Buffalo Rotary, March 9 at 5:30 – 8:00. Sorry Audrey, I was admiring your new haircut and didn’t get anything about what the event was for. My bad. But I did get the gauntlet you subtlety laid down when you pumped up the Wine event. Scott Mason picked up on that too. Nevertheless, Audrey has fliers, advertising this event, so please post in them in your places of business. And Paul’s announcement was not understood, but not by admiring his hair (both of them) but I just didn’t think it made sense???
Larry touched on the purple pinky project he has started in the schools. He thanked Mike Austin, Pat Griffin and my son Brian for helping out. Appropriately, Sandra Yeater came to our meeting, representing our district 7090 to honor us for all of our efforts in raising money to eradicate Polio. And a special thanks to Larry for events like these he painstakingly puts together.
Fine master Jim Logan waived a fine to Larry for being Larry late but pounced on Tom Lang for his comment on younger gentleman don’t wear ties. As Jim was adorned with coat and tie. Jim P confessed to a part in a movie he was in that was shot at the Riviera Theater, “Stage Freight”. Chuck Patterson confessed to being in Hawaii. Jim and Art, more of an announcement, reminded us the value of a gift to our foundation in the name of a deceased member. The family is comforted that you remembered their loved one and it helps our foundation. Jim abandoned the rest of the fining process in order to give our speaker her time.
Joe won the split club, I missed on the Ace, Larry and Rene won the loaves of organic spelt bread hand made by Brian A.
At this time Annette Pinder gave us a program on her wonderful magazine, “Buffalo Healthy Living”. This is a free color monthly magazine and NYS Benefit Corporation. Their mission is to provide evidence-based information to improve the health, fitness and nutrition for people of all ages. They can be found 2,000 locations, including Wegemans and Tops. This was an informative program that warranted many questions.
Meeting adjourned