The Ken July 10
Attendance: Barb Henry in for Gary
Split Club: Dick Hanaburgh in for Larry
Invocation: Tom Lang
Fine master: Ted Purvis
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom Lang began our meeting after a bit of a scramble for table attendants. Barb and Dick stepped up to the plate and sat in. We gave our Pledge. Barb led us in “God Bless America”. In lieu of an invocation, Tom asked for a moment to wish Harold White all are best for his recovery.
Dan Wiles made an announcement on behalf of all the service clubs of Kenmore and Tonawanda. It’s that time of year again where we raise money for the paramedics by offering a chance to win $25,000. As golfers come up to the 8th hole par 3 at Sheridan Park, we ask for a $5 chance to get within 20’ of the pin. If they get on the green they receive a sleeve of balls with our clubs name and logo on it. If they are inside 20’, they are invited back for a try on the same hole to get a hole in one. We raise about $2k per year. A signup sheet has been circulating and we are close to having our Kenmore Rotary day (Monday) complete.
Fine master Ted P. came up to hear confessions and levy fines. I gave my $25 bid for bread at our last meeting. Rene is still making installments on hers. Barb Henry had cataract surgery on her left eye that went real well. Barb, I though you had a wincoln not cataract. Mike Ford has a friend in town from Hawaii and therefor watched the fireworks from the other side of the fence from his pales in Rotary. Evidently Mike needed to keep his world separate. Mike is also going on a vacation with the outlaws and something about playing football and a tournament…. Eddie took son Billie to Cleveland for a U2 concert. Ed was certain Billie was the youngest one in the crowd. Larry missed a few weeks with traveling and RYLA. Joe Arcara was going Boston to watch the Red Sox and the Yankees. There were no more fines, but Ted thanked Art for all he has done as treasurer over the last years.
Tim Glor won the split club and Art missed the Ace.
Tom took over the meeting and laid the groundwork he has set for his year as president. The theme this year is “Make a difference”. Tom wants to increase membership from 47 or 48 to 55. He feels more social events and interesting meetings should help. Tom wants to start on a project to help the Veterans. His wish is to cross pollinate students in the Interact clubs with us and the VA drug court. Tom wants to present Vets with flowers on Memorial Day personally and lay flowers on the graves of Vets on Labor Day. To show our appreciation for their service.
Good luck Tom and you know you can count on all of us for your support.
Meeting adjourned