The Ken July 11
Attendance: Pat Griffin in for ?
Split Club: Audrey in for ?The Ken – July 11
Invocation: Gary Roberts
Finemaster: Tom Lang
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike Austin started his first Rotary meeting promptly after we all made tacos for lunch. We said the Pledge and Barb led us in “God Bless America”. Gary asked for a moment of silence in hope that we all find a peaceful ending to all the recent violence.
Mike gave a special welcome to Harold. Harold’s son takes off on Mondays so he and Harold spend the day together. Harold thought if his son would join Rotary, he could do both at the same time.
Announcements were next. There will be a board meeting this week at Plaka’s. You will be notified. Holly started getting us ready for Sunshine Day at Cradle Beach 8/17. Lunch and set up 12:00 – 2:00, games 2:00 – 4:00. Bring any one that wants to help man the games. This is a great way for High School kids to accumulate community service hours. The dunk tank is ordered, Pat is looking into the horses.
Mike passed around a signup sheet to cover the table for the hole in one contest at Sheridan next Monday.
Tom Lang announced the date for the Christmas party will be 12/ 9. Auction items will be needed. An event followed by dinner is always a good auction item. Tom also mentioned the next happy hour will be 7/28 at Jovi’s at 5:30. Light fare will be served. The social committee is trying to stimulate some ways to get us together in a more informal matter. Rotary International has adjusted their attendance requirements so these gatherings will be counted as a meeting. Please bring guests or potential members.
Gary Roberts reported on the success of the fireworks picnic. He said Jennifer and Mark did a great job with the food.
Scott Mason reminded us Shred – It is 10/1 and 4/22/17, 10:00-2:00.
Mike received an email update from Brian on the Inaugural party at his house. He has 24 confirmations. 2 have paid. Please pay.
Ron Levea won $13 split club and Holly Nowak missed the chance for the big pot.
Tom Lang filled in as fine master and thanked Audrey and Pat for filling in at the table. Tom took confessions from Harold for missing meetings to be with his son. Tom wanted to thank John Riordan and John Coogan for their terms on the board and thanked Ted Pervis and Ed Hackerl for stepping up to the plate to serve our club. Art blew in Jim Logan on his purchase of a new Cadillac and John Coogan for buying a new Jaguar. Neither were in attendance so they will be fined when they return. Tom fined Art for being a rat.
Tom had some fun brain teasers he tested on us. Some were answered correctly but most were not.
Mike passed out the committee lists and the duties list. I will attach a PDF to this document. Please look them over and mark your calendars as to when you are to produce. The budget is the same as last year. Mike has given a lot of thought for the club to perform several service projects for the causes in the Town. He will like to do something each quarter. The first project will be with Ken Ton closets ( Jill O’Malley presented to us a couple of weeks ago. The need any clothing you may be able to give. Please fill a garbage bag and we will get them to Ken Ton Closets. They cannot accept sox or underwear so if you can purchase new or give Ken Ton Closets a check for them to purchase new. The money would also be used to spend on school supplies. Mike will arrange a delivery time. Easiest is if you can drop off at Elmlawn. Mike can store them in the basement there. If you have to bring them to a meeting you can but try to get them to Mike. Rick Graham reminded us to get some publicity out of it also.
Tom took the floor again and talked about some couples events. A group sail on Moon dance. I suggested perhaps a Wednesday evening so we can watch the sailboats race. The Darwin Martin House, tour of local wineries and an event at the Riviera. All in attendance were positive to any of these.
Other comments were from Audrey. She suggested we have someone work on retaining members. Rick Graham said that the membership committee has that as part of their agenda. Ed wanted to know how many years Dr. Werner has perfect attendance. 59. And lastly, Larry asked if we can publish the upcoming speakers with their topics and even their website so if there is a potential guest that might be interested in the topic that we could invite them.
With no further business, meeting adjourned. Please look for the attachments to the Duties list and BBQ details