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Posted by Rene’ Rebmann | |
The Ken July 24 Attendance: Mike Ford Split Club: Gary Roberts Invocation: John Coogan Fine master: Ted Purvis The Ken: Rene Rebmann
President Tom Lang started meeting. We gave our Pledge and Chuck led us in “God Bless America”. John Coogan gave the Invocation. Larry Coon introduced the guest speaker Matthew Falcone a UB student who recently attended Ryla. Tom reminded members that the Moon Dance is scheduled for 8/29/17 and there is a sign-up sheet at the attendance table. Those attending the Moon Dance should arrive by 5:45pm and the boat leaves at 6pm. Holly asked that members interested in helping at Sunshine day on Wednesday 8/16/17 should sign up at the attendance table. Set up for Sunshine day starts at 11am, Lunch is served from 12noon to 1:30pm, and games are from 2pm to 4pm. Tom asked Holly to describe Sunshine Day for guests attending the meeting and members who are new to the Club. Sunshine day is a fun day at camp and the best session there. There are ponies, a dunk tank, games, gifts, and a carnival on site. Rotarians and other volunteers set up the event, serve lunch, and help the kids throughout the day. There will be several Boy Scout volunteers and Larry’s crew will be 8 to 10 students. Art asked if Tom the president will be in the dunk tank this year. Tom thanked all Rotarians who assisted last week with the Hole In One event for Meals on Wheels. Scott announced there will be a Shred It committee meeting immediately following the luncheon. Dick Hanaburgh has agreed to co-chair Shred It. Holly won the Split Club and Ted missed the Ace of Spades (4 of spades). Ted was Fine Master and asked for confessions. Mike pointed out he was filling in for Larry at the Attendance Table and that Gary left in him. Mike went on to say he was at the Adirondack’s fishing and hiking and when he came back he went golfing with Paul, Mike, and Jim. Scott was fined for inviting the Fine Master to sit at his table. Larry was fined for messing up the Head Table. Art was fined because he was worried about the dunk tank at Sunshine Day. Trivia Topic Buffalo Bills (1990-1993); Ron’s Table- Who was the 3rd string QB behind Kelly and Reich? (Gale Gilbert), Chuck’s Table- What year did Bruce Smith miss the most games due to a knee injury? (1991), Mike’s Table- In the 1992 Championship game against the Miami Dolphins who was responsible for most points? (Steve Christie), Holly’s Table- What year did Thurman Thomas win MVP? (1991), Tom’s Table- What Buffalo Bill was voted MVP in the 1992 Pro-Bowl? (Steve Tasker), final general question to the club- In the Wild Card game against the Oilers one of the scores should not have counted which player made the score? (Beebe, he ran out of bounds). Larry introduced the guest speaker Matthew Falcone a student at UB. Matt has volunteered for Rotary and Purple Pinkie events and also attended Ryla. Matt is a graduate of W. Seneca East High School. Matt has raised money for environmental causes. He co-founded the UB Rotaract Club. Speaker Topic- Tonawanda Coke soil studies: The plant located at River Rd has been there for 100 years. Coal is shipped in to the plant, placed in Coke ovens, to be purified, and used to make steal. Coke was fined for environmental laws (Clean Air & Clean Water). The trial and investigations found that people living in the vicinity of the plant head higher rates of developing cancer and in some cases cancer’s that were rare. Coke was tried and convicted for violating environmental laws. This was the first case when someone actually went to jail for violating the Clean Air Act. In addition, Coke was required to spend 12MM for cleanup studies. Matthew and his team are working closely with the affected areas to obtain soil samples for the studies. The primary concern is to minimize impact on the residents. Soil samples are collected and sent to ALS an environment testing company in Rochester. Soil testing sites are confidential. There is a community meeting schedule for 7/26/2017 in the community room at 3200 Elmwood Ave. Any homeowner/landowner can volunteer to have their soil tested. Soils will be collected beginning 8/7/17 and will last for a period of 10-15 days. The data collected and results of the testing will be shared with the property owners. Matt took a few questions and provides a sign-up sheet for anyone interested in having their soil tested. https://www.wnypapers.com/news/article/featured/2017/06/24/128953/grand-island-soils-to-be-tested-for-pollutants Meeting was adjourned. |
Thank you,