Attendance: Gary Roberts
50/50: Larry Coon
Song: Chuck Patterson
Moment of Silence: Tom Lang
Finemaster: Ted Purvis
No guests present.
Sunshine Day is August 16th and all is in good order. The kids at camp truly look forward to this day. Please let Holly know if you will be attending and for how long you can attend. The time runs from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm that day.
There will be no meeting on the 14th, see Sunshine Day above.
The Moondance Catamaran boat ride is on Tuesday 8/29 and is $20 per person. Please arrive no later than 5:45 or you will miss the boat! Please be sure to sign up/RSVP.
Ron confessed to having incorrect trivia facts from the week prior – Gilbert lost, not won 5 Superbowls. (Honestly, I can’t exactly remember what this was about and I’m not a football fan, so thank you to Ron!)
Holly confessed to a new office space and Ted fined her double what she thought she should pay – so goes business.
Joe confessed he and Therese have been married for 50 years – Congratulations Acara’s!!
Paul confessed to missing last week’s meeting due to a golf outing (Shocker!) and that he came in 2nd place in the tournament.
Fines: Ted went out on a high note. Rick got fined for suggesting Tom help with Pony rides. Jim Logan was practicing being a masseuse and got fined for that. Larry has been making it on time to meetings, so he got fined. Gary was being too quiet. Mike Ford assumed he’s be fined – so he was. Pat was fined for hoping to be fined. Ted asked about Phil’s wife and then Ted agreed to pay fines for Larry and Jim (??). And Ed looked guilty so he got fined. All others with no pin or name tag were fined.
Since John Coogan wasn’t there, Larry won 50/50 pulling his own ticket.
Jim Logan was picked for Ace of Spades but did not get it. Later we found out Phil had the card.
Phil Michalowski presented on his business PGM Jewelers which opened in 1971. His business is right down Delaware Ave from Jovi’s at 2943 Delaware Ave. He designs and creates all original jewelry, selling not only to consumers but also to other jewelers. He describes himself as more of a jewelry manufacturer and he does not sell maintenance policies, rather, if he made it he services it for life. Phil understands that everyone has different ideas about what they want when it comes to jewelry and he works to get those ideas out. He also knows that it is important to work with a jeweler you trust.
Phil walked us through the process and passed around some of the molds and casts he works on. He discussed how 3D printing is changing his industry and work, creating a new realm of possibilities.
Everything is recycled and sent back to the refinery, he created a low environment footprint and only has a bag or two or garbage every other week.
Thank you Phil and Welcome to the Club!!
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