The Ken - June 13
Posted by Audrey Meyers
Hello All,
The Ken is below for your approval and upload....
Attendance: Pat Griffin Invocation: John Coogan
Finemaster: Jim Logan Split Club: Audrey Meyers
President Paul started the meeting at 12:40 PM. Chuck Petterson lead us in a song after the pledge. Our Winemaster asked for confessions first. Rick Graham confessed to winning over $600! Pat Griffin confessed crossing his first (and last) Opera off of his bucket list. Jim Logan confessed to Gary Roberts seeing his picture online in the Buffalo News. After our confessions, our winemaster quizzed us on Rotary History and Fun Facts.... In the end, he charged us $2 each.
Our speaker was Eric Ensminger from Marketing Tech. Marketing Tech is a marketing company with 17 employees located in Buffalo, New York. Don Papay was the founder of the company in 1996 (the company started as Brittany Industries). Some of the services offered by Marketing Tech: Printing & Finishing services, Large Format Printing, direct mail processing (which includes address services, inserting, and invoicing), digital services, "fat-head" printing, car wraps, brochures, catalogs, post cards, and promotional items. Companies don't need as much printing as they used to, but Marketing Tech can help with all the printing needs any business may have.
Marketing Tech can also do automated marketing. This type of marketing is not the future anymore, it's the here and now. Automated marketing includes print, email, website, text, and they all drive traffic to each other. Automated marketing is surprisingly inexpensive compared to the other marketing forms. You also get reporting on automated marketing as well.
Marketing Tech feels they are different from their competitors because the focus on getting it right the first time, customer service is unbeatable, and they have cloud based technology so they can access client info even when traveling. Marketing Tech can support companies all over the world.
Respectfully submitted
Audrey Meyers