The Ken June 19
The Ken June 19
Attendance: Barb Henry
Split Club: Donna Di Francesco
Invocation: Chuck Patterson
Fine master: Ted Purvis
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
President elect Tom Lang stepped in for Mike today and conducted our meeting. First the pledge, then Barb led us in singing “America”. Chuck gave our invocation and asked us to please keep Harold White in our thoughts. Harold was just released from the hospital with heart ailments and is on oxygen. Barb said she will keep us up to date on Harold’s progress. Good luck buddie. We sang Happy Birthday to Audrey.
No guest’s today other than our speaker. Tom asked to post Michael Foster as a new member. Michael spoke at our club with his wife Melisa about the Kenmore Village Improvement Society.
Gary announced that the fireworks will be at Elmlawn again Monday July 3. You can get in around 6:00. Food won’t get there until around 7:00. It is $20 / person. You will need a pass to get in. Please send me the pass and I can email it to the membership. Audrey will get us a final audit on the Wine Event shortly. Cradle Beach aka Sunshine Day is August 16. New members, this is not to be missed. This is our real hands on event where we set up lunch and games for disabled and under privileged children at Cradle Beach.
Fine Master Ted Purvis approached the bench to solicit money. Chuck was first to confess that he mistakenly said that it was Renee’s birthday instead of Audrey’s. Audrey confessed to a promotion at Evans Bank to business development. It is wonderful to see our fellow Rotarians rise through the ranks. John Coogan was in Aruba. It was Jo Jo’s birthday and one of the other friends they went with. Needless to say, John is a tad tired of “Happy Birthday”. Mike Ford was also away. Traveling with his mother and mother-in-law. How did that go Mike?
Audrey won the split club and Dick H won the chance to draw the Ace of Spades. No luck, the pot continues to grow.
Tom introduced our speaker Christine Mathieu of People Inc. Christine is the Legacy officer of their foundation. She was a financial advisor and a personal coach…..then the lights went out. Bam I was sound asleep so I can’t really tell you much more about her topic. I’m sure you can fill in the blanks at
Meeting adjourned