The Ken June 20
Posted by Jeff Markarian on Jun 23, 2016
Attendance: Jeff Markarian subbing for ?
Split Club: Dick Hanaburgh subbing for ?
Invocation: John Coogan
Finemaster: Mike Austin
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
The Ken – June 20, 2016
Paul started our meeting a tad early today. We said the Pledge and Chuck led us in “God Bless America”. John Coogan gave an inspiring invocation. I announced our guests for today, Bob Werner (honorary member) back from Florida, AJ Block and Brendon Blatz representing the Boy Scouts and our guest speaker Pat Whalen with the Niagara Global Tourism Institute.
Announcements: first from Mike Austin. Mike is massaging the details for the 4th of July Party at Elmlawn. A flier will be sent out. He said he is working on an adult bounce house. Jim Prichard announced that his email was hacked and obviously not to open it. Dick Hanaburgh is selling the Scouts Golf Outing Monday August 29th at Lancaster Country Club and Sporting Clays Invitational, September at the Tonawanda Sportsman’s. Please visit their website for the details Mike Ford gave a final push for Elderwood’s Golf Outing at Glen Oaks, Monday 6/27. And finally Chuck Patterson reminded us of the party at Brian Ahern’s house August 2 honoring outgoing President Paul and welcoming incoming President Mike Austin.
Mike Austin approached the podium to give out fines and to hear confessions. Mike first confessed to going to the Salvation Army golf outing 1 week early. He then thanked Bryden for a wonderful time golfing the actual day it was held. He was concerned that we might get arrested for Mike Ford’s errant shots. And they were extreme. So much that I put a helmet on. However, Mike F. did refuse to accept a very lucrative 50/50 split he won. That was an admirable act and represented Rotary well. I then confessed that my son Brian had a great week at RYLA. He was extremely anxious to go, however with the nurturing of Char and Larry, and the whole RYLA environment, Brian had a wonderful time. Jim Prichard and Ted Purvis, coincidentally, both spent their wedding anniversaries in NYC. Visiting Rotarian AJ Block spent 5 of the last 5 days at Rotary meetings. Mike tested our hockey trivia in lei of the NHL draft being held here in Buffalo Friday and Saturday.
Joe Arcara won the split club and Rick Graham missed the drawing. The pot is growing and the cards are fewer so buy more chances next week.
Paul introduced our speaker Pat Whalen. Pat spoke to us several years ago when he was with The Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus. Pat is now the interim director of the Niagara Global Tourism Institute. The NGTI is a Niagara University-led initiative that seeks to leverage research and development to transform the regions travel and tourism industry. A real challenge for Pat is how to attract tourism in the region during 6 winter months. The other 6 months is fully occupied. Banks need 50% equity before they fund any project. He is the interim director, but I’m sure the job is his if he wants it. Pat is a dynamic leader that has great insight with these projects. To learn more, contact the assistant director Roscoe Naguit at Another great program
Meeting adjourned.