The Ken June 5
The Ken June 5
Attendance: Barb Henry
Split Club: Donna Di Francesco
Invocation: Chuck Patterson
Fine master: Ted Purvis
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge followed by “God Bless America” that Chuck Patterson started. Guests today were Joe DiPaulo from Buffalo Rotary, Phil Michalowski (let this be Phil’s 2nd announcement for membership), Celia O’Brien and Gigi Grizanti of Western NY Veterans Housing Coalition (WNYVHC).
Announcements came from Joe Arcara. Joe is putting together the June BBQ aka Presidents and officers swearing in party this Monday at 6:00. It will be at Pat and Brian Ahern’s house again. The BBQ dinner is out of this world. $20.00 / person. Rain or shine. Let’s support our peeps. Tim plugged his and Jacquie’s near and dear project. Love Fest is combing with Ride for Roswell. Go to and find the details to ride, party or just back Tim and Jacquie. Mike announced there is no meeting Monday in lieu of the BBQ and that there will be a board meeting Wednesday same place and time you all meet. Also, Mike confirmed Elmlawn will do the fireworks Monday July 3 again. Details to follow.
At this time Ted took the reins as Finemaster asking for confessions. Brian confessed there is a contract on his house all ready. That is no surprise and that is why I remind you to move you schedule around so that you can partake in this serine, Zen like arena for Monday’s BBQ. Paul’s picture was in the paper for attending the Memorial Day parade. Gary was behind Paul but got 2nd billing. Tim Glor mentioned that his nephew Jeff Glor with CBS news is working his way up the ranks as main anchor man. I was fined for mixing up the BBQ date that was in the body on the event invitation that no one reads anyways. However pay attention to the email blasts and I’ll send a new event out so there is no mistaking that the BBQ is Monday 6/12. The rest of Ted’s fines were a blur but out of the corner of the room came a very impressive dissertation responding to one of Teds questions about the gold standard. As it turns out it was Phil, our soon to be new member. Phil you are going to fit right in. Ted was able to raise money with some fun filled razing of the group. Nice job pale.
Jerry Gentile won the split club and Brian missed the Ace. Joe Acara and Jerry won Brian’s homemade white bread.
Paul introduced our speakers today. Celia O’Brien President and COO and Gigi Grizanti, VP of hosing & development of Western New York Veterans Housing Coalition. Both dynamic speakers describing the services WNYVHC provides. WNYVHC was founded in 1987 to provide housing for homeless veterans and Veterans with special needs. Another informative discussion.
Meeting adjourned