The Ken - June 6
Meeting Monday 6/6/2016 @ Jovi’s
Attendance Pat Griffin Split Club / The Ken Audrey Meyers
Invocation / Fine Master Gary Roberts
President Paul began the meeting at 12:40 PM. During the Invocation, Gary had a moment of silence for the remembrance of Rotarian Ed Hoffman.
Fine Master Gary immediately fined President Paul for not sharing pie at Park Country Club and a whole slew of other atrocities. Pat Griffin confessed to throwing the first pitch at the Bison’s Game on Thursday night (he says he made it to home plate). Mike Ford confessed to not screaming on a ride with his kid. Bryden Swires confessed that he and his wife were both promoted to Captain. Ron met Henry Winkler. Gary moved on to fines after confessions. He asked a bunch of questions about Buffalo Mayors… No one knew or cared what the answers were.
Bryden won the split club and Art took a shot at the Ace of Spades (he pulled the wrong Ace).
Larry coon was our speaker today and he presented on RYLA. Anyone who knows Larry understands his passion for RYLA. RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) is a one week training retreat for young people ages 19-25 that takes place at Fredonia State. RYLA has been active since 1960. At the retreat, the participants learn business skills, human relations, how to be a responsible business person, how to participate in community service projects, have fun and make friends. Rotarians can volunteer to help bridge the age gap and share expertise and help cultivate future Rotary memberships.
There are still available spots this year if anyone knows of a young person that might be interested. Larry can help connect the candidate with a sponsoring club. Our Kenmore Rotary Club usually sponsors two spots. This year we are sponsoring Jeff Markarian’s son and Stacey Rodgers (who has helped us with Sunshine Day, Shred it Events, and the Anti-Bullying Seminar). Pat Griffin’s nephew Christopher is also attending thanks to the Buffalo Rotary Club Sponsorship.
Larry and Char usually help and participate in running the retreat throughout the week. They stay with a fellow committee member at his condo. Larry’s favorite part is seeing the growth and results amongst the Rylarians. “You can see the unbreakable bond between them by the end of the week” said Larry.
At the end of the week, the Rylarians are given an evaluation form. Some of the comments on the form were:
- Enjoyed the freedom to work one on one with other participants
- No one was judging me
- Love the friends I’ve made
- Love the speak ups (a chance to speak about hardships they’ve experienced)
Some students shared they learned confidence, communication skills, listening skills, leadership, and how to work with other personality types.
All Rotarians are welcome to join the Rylarians on Thursday night during the retreat at Fredonia for a Rotary meeting that the Rylarians are responsible for providing the entertainment for. It is usually a celebratory night that involves the parents as well. If you’re interested in attending this year’s, it is June 16, 2016. Please contact Larry for details.
Joe Starck spoke up after Larry’s presentation and announced on behalf of our club that we are all very proud of Larry for what he does with the community youth and RYLA. Everyone agreed and thanked Larry for all he has done with RYLA.