The Ken - March 20
The Ken March 20
Attendance: Ron Levea
Split Club: Holly Nowak
Invocation: Tim Glor
Fine Master: Ed Markarian
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
President Elect Tom stepped up to the plate for Mike and began our meeting promptly with the Pledge followed with a fine rendition of “God Bless America” started off by Chuck Patterson. Tim gave our invocation.
Tom asked for announcements. I started off by reminding everyone that the gift gathering party is approaching quickly. It is at my house, Saturday April 1 at 6:00. Please email me,, or register on line so we have enough food. We are planning on sausages from around the world with all kinds of goodies. Scott announced Shred –It is well under way. All he needs are volunteers the day of the event. Larry announced that Greg Eminger from Amherst East is having a golf outing May 8. They are looking for sponsors and / or golfers. Yeah, like every other organization in WNY is. Glad we’re out of that arena. Larry is also asking if anyone can think of a student 15-18 years old that want to participate in slap shot, they can contact Larry. It is the last weekend in April. Larry and Char are so active in this wonderful event that can really shape a young person. Also, Larry has a mentoring program that he needs adult mentors for young people that do not have many competent adults in their lives. Please contact Larry for the details.
With no further announcements, fine master Ed Markarian proceeded to hear confessions. First of all, Ed will be missing next week so Holly will have her inaugural fine master duties. She assured us she will raise money. Ed was happy to confess that his daughter Kristen, who started her college career working to be a kindergarten teaches has just applied to law school. Best wishes Kristen, pops would be very proud. Art was fined for agitating Scott to boast about Shred-It. Ron confessed to being on his annual baseball training camp visit to Florida. Paul confessed to a great birthday dinner at Park and was presented a large pie. I’m not following this Paul and pie deal but I better make sure there will be pie at the party April 1. John Coogan confessed to missing our meeting last week because he forgot to adjust his clock. Bread aficionado, Brian announced that Pat is taking the Hospice job in Boston. We wish Pat all the best but are saddened to have a great Rotarian moving on. Susan jabbed Tom, for Audrey’s sake, about the re-signing of Tyrod Taylor. Mike Ford was also bummed out but not so much with the negotiated contract. And finally Pat confessed that Larry won a clock as a door prize at an event he attended. How appropriate. Eddie questioned us on interesting trivia on Lincoln Continentals seeing that President elect Tom just purchased one.
John Coogan won the split club and Pat Griffin missed the Ace and I won the sourdough, rye bread. Still warm I might ad.
Tom took back the meeting and introduced our speaker. Pasquale Maggiore pinched hit for Karen Sorrentino of UNYTS. UNYTS is western NY’s only organ, eye, tissue and community blood center. What they get stays in WNY. Pasquale’s message today concentrated on giving blood. They can always use more blood. Area hospitals use 60,000 units of blood per year. In addition to emergencies and lifesaving transplants, blood is needed on a regular basis for people with cancer, heart disease and leukemia. Premature babies and children needing surgery also require blood transfusions. To find a blood drive near you, please visit and click GIVE BLOOD. Very eye opening program that inspired many questions.
Meeting adjourned