The Ken - March 6
The Ken March 6
Attendance: Holly Nowak
Split Club: Tim Glor
Invocation: Tim Glor
Fine Master: Ed Markarian
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike started out this large boisterous group on time with the Pledge and Chuck Patterson led us in “God Bless America”. We had 2 guests. Our speaker Mark Mistretta, Capital Facilities Manager of the New York State Parks and Bill Mikolowski from who knows where.
Mike announced the board was meeting Wednesday at Platka’s at 8:15 am. Rick Graham reminded us we need baskets for the Wine Event. Please remember to describe them so we can make placards. I am hosting a basket gathering party April 1 at 6:00. If you cannot attend, you can get the baskets to Elmlawn. Sue J. announced that Shari will attend the event??? Gary Roberts will be doing the Armenian Raffle soon. This is where we raise money to buy a gift to raffle off at the Event. You buy chances, usually 1-50 for a set price. Gary will draw a number and you will when a prize. This usually takes place over 2 weekly meetings. Art announced that Scot called him and asked that he wishes us luck on the 2nd biggest fund raiser we have. Of course this was met with some debate. Tom Lang thanked the 15 people who attended the Wine Tour Sunday. They were even greeted at one of the wineries by a former RYLARIAN who know Larry and Char.
Eddie was the fine master for the week. The first fine was from Dr. Werner. Doc’s first meeting was February 7, 1957. This February 7, 2017 Venice Sunrise Club was honored to have him share his 60th year of perfect attendance. He mentioned he has a wager going on with a Rotarian at his new but 2nd favorite club who has 61 years of perfect attendance. Doc gave 60 happy dollars for 60 years of perfect attendance. Ed took many other confessions. But started by fining himself for poor attendance. Rick was fined for tatteltaling. George Allen was fined just so his sponsor Ed could give him his first fine. Tom paid it. Jim P has been getting many spots on the Entecom stations suggesting Entecom for advertising. Gary was fined for being an Armenian wanna be. Art confessed to being on a 2 week cruise. Mike Ford had to miss the wine tour due to a fund raiser for Susan’s cousin. He was moved by the large donation Chuckie Basil contributed. Pat Griffin paid for doing junior achievements. Brian Ahern attended Amherst rotary meeting and the Rotarian that visited our club and made us aware of her Tanzanian trip asked why he didn’t bring his infamous bread. Eddie wrapped up by fining everyone that missed the Wine Tour $1.00.
Chuck Patterson won the split club and I picked a card for Joe Starck but missed the Ace. John Coogan won the first loaf of Bri-bread and Gary won the 2nd loaf.
At this time Paul introduced Mark Mistretta. Mark is the Capital Facilities Manager of the NY state parks. Marks program was about the Niagara Falls parks and the outer harbor Parks. NY State has invested $82 million already in turning the Parks around. It was impressive how the Parks commission is concentrating on organic trails, bridges, dams and walk paths. So much has been done to make this a destination, you must come down and stroll around. They are leaving the large hotels for the city of Niagara Falls. The Whirlpool steps are complete. Next year Devils Hole stairs will be completed. That will complete a 4 mile hike down one set of stairs, a hike along the river where there are class 5 rapids, a walk up the other set of stairs and back to your car. Very inspiring presentation.
Meeting adjourned