The Ken May 1
The Ken April 24
Split Club: Bob Blatz
Invocation: Rick Graham
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting at the Paddock Golf Dome with a gong from an app on an iphone. We gave our Pledge. There was no song. Rick gave our invocation, paying tribute to the fine young men and woman we were fortunate to have with us today. As you know, our meeting today was to give scholarship money to several Ken-Ton High School students. Because of the presentations there were many guests.
Mike called on Shari to give an update on the Wine Event. However Shari had a just taken a bite of her lunch so she asked Eddie to chime in. Well he too was in the middle of a bite. He was able to thank Audrey, Shari, Sue and their great committee for this year’s event. It appears we will have a very successful event. We can still use about 10 more baskets and a few more bodies in the door. The Wine and Beer Tasting Event is May 10 at 6:30. Details are on our website.
One of our regular guests, Darcy France bragged about our Shred-It event. Scott beamed and mentioned the final audit is not complete with Art out of town, but we all know it was a record hall. Larry gave an update on the Slap Shot week end he just helped put together. Slap shot is a jump start for 15-18 year olds into the Rotary mentality and should lead to Interact and ultimately the RYLA program.
Jim Logan won the 50 / 50 and Eddie missed the Ace.
Mike asked Tom Schwob to come up and start the program. Tom thanked us for the money we were able to raise through our fund raisers for the scholarships we were about to present. The presentations were as follows:
St. Joe's Collegiate Inst. Benjamin Galkiewicz, Robert Scott, parents Deanna and Jerry Galkiewicz
Kenmore East - Taylor Nash, Patrick Heyden, Principal, mother Melissa Esposito
Kenmore West - Paige Phillips, Dan Charland, Asst. Principal, Interact advisor: Darcy France, parents Jeanne and David Phillips
Cardinal O'Hara HS - Benjamin Borzynski, Mary Holzerland, Principal, mom Marina Borzynski
Charter School Applied Tech - D’Zare Triplette, Principal Laura Errington, parents Chiquita and Darren, sister DeJa
Mount St. Mary Academy - Claire Rosenecker, Julie Wojick, Asst. Principal, parents Mary and Tom,
also grandparents: Joe and Sheila R. and Eileen Collins
Larry explained to the guests in the room some of the projects we are involved. Next week we will present Middle School students recognition for high achievements.
This very inspirational meeting was adjourned right on time