The Ken May 15
The Ken May 15
Attendance: Scott Mason
Split Club: Bob Blatz
Invocation: Rick Graham
Fine master: Rene Rebmann
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
It was good to be back at home field. Mike began our meeting with the Pledge, followed by Chuck P. leading us in “God Bless America”. Rick Graham gave our invocation. Guests today were Phil Mikolowski, giving our club a test drive and our speaker from UB’s Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, Tom Ulbrich.
Our first announcement was from Audrey. Audrey was beaming with the success of our Wine Tasting event. The preliminary audit has it as the best year yet. We netted about $15,500. Audrey thanked especially, Shari and Rick for the sponsorship success and Sue J. for the program book. Rumor has it Tom was a great MC. John Coogan sponsored the band. Good music always adds to the success of any party. Great job Wine Event committee.
Oh, and here comes Larry. He’s lucky there was tenderloin left.
Mike thanked Tom for conducting our meeting last week and Brian is wondering if we have dates for the Presidents party. It sounds like he is willing to have it this year. For those that missed last years, Brian house is a wonderful setting for this party. The topic of the stocks came up. They are still at Brains house, which is ok. Brian and Pat have been together for a while and whatever. But, I am concerned what Tom’s potential suitors will think if they see those in his house.
We were pleased to have a rookie Fine Master today, Rene R. Rene, in Holly’s fashion, excused all the women from fines today. Rick Graham was first to confess that Joanie and his sister gave him grief for not winning any baskets, while Rick’s other guests cleaned up. Tom received and read a thank you card for MC-ing the Wine event, but I understand there was an undertone of disagreement on his judgement of professional quarterbacks. Mike confessed that Madison was able to attend a full day work shop at Shae’s for her role in Beauty and the Beast. Mark Tremont confessed to their 2nd grandchild born health and strong 7 weeks ago. Mark also shared his active travel schedule. Paul tadled on Jim Logan for winning a healthy raffle. Sue J. announced Kenmore Mercy opened and dedicated their new healing garden. Rene fined Larry for coming in late and Scott for strong arming sponsors. Rene quizzed us on football trivia. As it turned out, Rene, you’re a natural. Great job.
Ron won the split club and Bob pulled his name for the chance at the Ace but didn’t pull the Ace. Sue and Jerry won Brian’s bread.
Paul introduced Tom Ulbrich from UB’s Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership (CEL). The CEL recognizes and supports the power of entrepreneurship to unlock human potential, create jobs, inspire wealth and invigorate the greater Western NY economy and community. Tom’s topic today focused on the quickness of change in how we get and what we do with information. Many questions followed. We stayed a little over but no ne minded.
Meeting adjourned.