The Ken May 2
Attendance: Scott Mason
Split Club: Bob Blatz
Invocation: Rick Gram
Fine Master: Ted Purvis
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
The Ken May 2
We all gathered, had lunch and complied with our President as he began our meeting. We gave our Pledge followed by singing God Bless America. We sounded ok with the leadership of Barb and Bryden, but we still need Chuck Patterson to complete us. Rick Graham gave the invocation asking for special thoughts for the Hettler family. Sue’s dad, Allen Bagley was a fine Rotarian who recently passed away.
Our visitors were Demean Piatek, his last time eluding fines because next week he will be a member. And John Barcato, Ken-Ton deputy School Superintendent.
Announcements today were first from Audrey. The push is on. We need baskets, sponsors by the end of the week, people and payments. Also, they need help manning several stations that evening. A signup sheet was passed around. It will cost less if you buy your tickets before the event. Scott Mason was having a final wrap up meeting after today’s meeting for Shred It. Jim Prichard announced the Riviera Theater is having their golf outing June, 6 at Tan Tara. Reach out to Jim for the details. Rick Graham was having a foundation meeting also after today’s meeting. Pat Griffin reminded us about the Rotary Training he and Larry are going to this week end in Niagara Falls. Paul confirmed the club will pay for it but to let him know. In conclusion, we will be meeting at the Paddock Golf Dome for the next 2 meetings for the scholarship presentations.
Ted Purvis was the fine master today. First were confessions. Eddie confessed to beating Larry as the last one here. However, Mark Tremont came in after Ed. Good to see Mark was able to make a meeting. Jim Prichard accepted an awarded on behalf of The Riviera Theater for The Organization of the Year. Tim Glor witnessed it. Vanessa Williams presented it. Jim said he dreamed about her all night. I mentioned I did not know Jim was a tennis fan. Sue J corrected me, wrong Vanessa. Mike Austin is friends on facebook with Jim and noticed many photos of Vanessa. Audrey confessed to rock climbing in Sedona, AZ. Ted then fined us all $5 in honor of Mother’s Day this Sunday.
I won the split club and John Coogan drew the Ace of diamonds.
At this time Paul introduced our own, Ken-Ton school Super Intendant Dawn Mirand. Dawn gave an over view of the budget of $157 million that was presented 4/12 and will be voted on 5/17 at Hoover Middle School between 7:00am – 9:00pm. It is a 1.23% increase. Which translates to $77 increase on a $100,000 home. They are applying for special funding due to the loss of revenue from the Huntley Plant. That should lower it to $68 per year. Dawn also touched on 4 propositions that will be voted on the same night. Proposition 1; the budget, Proposition 2; Bus purchase, Proposition 3; Capital Improvement Reserve Fund, Proposition 4; Student Ex officio board member. Dawn was a wonderful presenter. She chose the The Family Support Center.
Meeting adjourned.