The Ken May 22
The Ken May 22
Attendance: Scott Mason
Split Club: Bob Blatz
Invocation: Rick Graham
Fine master: Mike Ford
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge followed by “God Bless America” that Chuck Patterson started us out but was soon overcome by our guest who sang with an operaesque rendition that made us really sound pretty god. Rick gave our invocation. Guests today were our speaker Melisa Forester and her husband, Michael.
First announcement was made by Mike on behalf of Larry. We still have an opening for RYLA June 19-25. Details are on our website. There will not be a meeting Monday in honor of Memorial Day. Joe Arcara is putting together the Presidents Party and installation of officers that will be held at Brian and Pat Ahern’s house June 12. By now you all received the email blast with the details. Damon was going to have a finance / audit meeting after today’s meeting. Mike Austin announced that there will be fireworks Monday July 3 at Elmlawn again.
Mike Ford was our fine master today. Mike focused right on Tom Lang and busted him for a Trump – like tie. Scott Mason was fined for suggesting that women pay double fines. Art was fined because Mike has been waiting for a pin since he joined. Brian paid happy dollars for purchasing a carpet a carpet from me that his dog soiled with tar earlier in the week. I wanted to pay the fine but Brian insisted. Mike quizzed us on strokes for stroke awareness month. We all got a lot out of this. Most important, get to a hospital right away.
Bob B won the split club and Art missed the Ace. No Bread today.
Paul introduced our speaker today, Melisa Foster. If you have noticed many nice flowers and neat things around Kenmore, you can thank this organization. They have been around for 10 years and have over 1,000 people over seeing our neighborhood. They put on many functions. Last was a dog show at Mang Park. Keep up the good work.
Meeting adjourned