The Ken May 9
Attendance: Scott Mason and Dick Hanaburgh
The Ken May 9
Today we broke ranks and gathered at the Paddock Golf Dome for lunch in anticipation of a larger than normal attendance. We were honoring high achievers from the Ken – Ton Middle Schools. Most showed up with a parent or 2 and their Principals. And it goes without saying how proud you feel when you listen to their achievements. Paul led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Paul then gave an overview as to what Rotary is and what we do. You can see the pride felt by our guests was equal to our achievements.
Paul introduced Tom Schwob. Tom presented the awards. Tom mentioned Rotary has been rewarding the students for 3 ½ decades. The recipients were as follows: Evan Haieck from Franklin Middle, Claire Bressette from Kenmore Middle. Clair is Tom Leous’ granddaughter. Madison Fox from Hoover Middle, Olivia Warrington from St. Johns and Thomas Struckman from St. Amelia’s. None of the students wanted to speak after their presentations. It will be fun to see what happens when Larry gets a hold of them in the Interact clubs once they get into High School. I’m sure we won’t be able to shut them up. Meeting was adjourned. Remember we will be back here 5/16 for the High School Scholarship presentations.
Lastly, a congratulations goes out to Ron Levea. Ron is our latest Paul Harris Inductee. WTG buddy.