The Ken Nov 12
Ken Writer: Audrey Meyers
Invocation: Rick Graham
Greeter/Split Club: Ted Purvis
Finemaster: Mike Hettler
Sergeant-at-Arms: Bob Dimmig
2nd Publication: Scott Mason
Contact Joe Starck if you have any items for the live auction at the Christmas Party to benefit Operation Santa… Also accepting cash donations now!
There was much enthusiasm to promptly start the meeting at 12:30pm. President Larry just barely beat Mark Tramont to the bell! Larry led us in God Bless America to honor our Vets! Rick Graham presented the invocation.
Joe Starck reminded us of the impact Operation Santa can have on local families. He also reminded us that Operation Santa can only happen if the funds come in. Please donate now by sending a check or making a credit card payment. He is also looking for one more item to auction off at our Christmas Party to benefit Operation Santa. Chuck Patterson stated this has become one of our larger fundraisers and we usually help about 50 kids per year. Larry thanked all who helped with Group Study Exchange! The group was able to tour Salvation Army thanks to Bryden as well as Praxair Corporation among other activities.
Larry attended the District Council meeting over the weekend. He stated there was much discussion around those affected by Hurricane Sandy- Some are Rotarians. He announced that the Rotary Club of Leroy is renting a U-Haul and sending 5 Rotarians with supplies to help those in need. We opened a Charities Board meeting and took a vote to donate $500 to the Leroy Rotary Club to help those affected. There will also be a truck collecting supplies at the District Foundation Celebration Dinner Friday November 16th at 6pm which is held at Salvatore’s Italian Gardens. They are in need of canned food (especially protein), blankets, D batteries, disposable diapers, depends, heavy duty garbage bags, juices, and pet foods.
Mike Hettler was finemaster and started by asking for confessions. Chuck Patterson announced that he was on a 2 week vacation but brought back a cold and a broken toe (maybe Chuck shouldn’t take vacations!). He was fined $2. All non- veterans had to pay a dine of $2. Mike also finned Larry $2 for taking so long to get to fines. Rick Graham pulled the 2 of hearts.
Our guest speaker was Colleen Eoannou. Colleen is the founder of WNY Assisted Living Advisors. She has had more than a decade in the field. They help educate people so they are not forced into making quick decisions but rather the right decisions about their loved one’s care. Colleen said when it is time to decide there are many emotions involved which makes the decisions even harder. She discussed some of the things considered when deciding on care which include: physical layouts compared to your loved one’s needs, cost, available programs, and the level of care needed among others. Her goal is to spend time with the families to help inform them of all options available. She also warned that some of the advisors our there have contracts with a facility so be careful whom you get advice from. WNY Assisted Living Advisors does not have contracts with any facilities. Colleen said there are programs out there to help assisted living costs for veterans. Colleen said to always be sure to ask questions, read contracts, and know there are always other options out there before being rushed into a decision about an assisted living facility.