The Ken November 13, 2017
Attendance: Ron Levea
Split Club: Joe Arcara
Invocation: Tom
Fine master: Dick Hanaburgh
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom began our lightly attended meeting with the Pledge. He waived the song but asked for a moment of silence for all our Veterans.
Our guests today were our speaker Molly Dryer and others who came to hear her program. They were Tony Billoni from BNMC Rotary Club, Dan Halin – UB Rotaract, and Erin Moscoti with UB Sustainability program.
Tom thanked Larry and Phil for their service with the Veterans over the weekend. They visited and spent time with 3 Veterans. Tom asked us to check our email. He has sent out through google drive, signups for our Christmas Party auction items. There was also a signup sheet at the sign in table for reservations to the party. Larry received an email regarding the Rotary leadership convention. Our club pays for you if you are interested in Attending. Please see Larry for the details. Dick announced that Shred-It netted $5580. Great job.
Dick made his debuted as fine master today. Larry confessed to his battery on his fob died so he couldn’t get into his car while visiting the Veterans. Needless to say he stayed with one Vet so long until they got this straightened out the guy was afraid he wouldn’t be able get rid of Larry. Rene for leaving last week’s meeting early. Dick went table to table questioning us on Dave Andrychuck trivia in honor of Dave’s indictment into the hockey Hall of Fame over the week end.
Ron won the split club and Joe missed the Ace. Go figure 2 guys at the head table pulling their own names? I’d like an audit.
At this time, Larry introduce Molly Dryer. Molly was at UB and was involved in the Rotaract program there. Molly has a vision of restoring and revitalizing the eco system of LaSalle Lake at the UB North Campus. Her specialty is sustainability. Molly gave a real neat explanation of the natural order lakes should have to eliminate erosion. So much dominoes off good sustainability. We had a slide show showing the awful erosion on the windward side of the lake. Eventually, without any attention there will be problems. Molly’s project started out as her senior Thesis and is now gaining momentum. She is asking for any contributions of money and efforts to plant trees and shrubs. This was taken quite favorably at today’s meeting. I’m sure we will participate.
Greta program.
Meeting adjourned
Jeff Markarian