The Ken - November 28
The Ken November 28, 2016
Attendance: Ron Levea
Split Club: Holly Nowak
Invocation: Tim Glor
Fine Master: Tom Lang
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
We started our meeting on time with the Pledge, followed by “America” led off by Barb Henry. Tim Glor gave our invocation. He asked that we keep past, long time Rotarian Charley Lamorte in our thoughts as he bereaves the loss of his wife.
Today’s guests was Jim Prichard’s colleague Gary Roleau. Good to see Mike Ford back from shoulder surgery and Harold White taking a Monday off from hanging with his son.
Tom Lang announced December 9 is the Christmas Party at the Park Country Club. The signup sheet is at the front table. Tom still needs auction items. Also, Operation Santa is well underway. We need Rotarians to sponsor a family. Rick Graham has a meeting of the foundation 12/6 to review the grant requests. Six organizations have requested money. Paul Chisolm has notified the past President’s that nominations for board members are due for the election 12/19.
Tom Lang was our fine master today. He first fined Art for moving his chair. Mike Ford gave us an update on his rotator cup surgery. Mike Austin barked about Tyrod Taylor. I was fined for something that I can’t remember. In respect to our Albright-Knox Art Gallery representatives, Tom quizzed us on art history. It was pretty impressive how much we knew. So much that Tom had to revert to remedial, petty fines in order to keep in budget.
Bob Blatz won the split club and the chance at the Ace. And a surprise addition to our protocol, Brian Ahern drew 2 numbers to present 2 loaves of sour dough bread that he baked that morning. The smell from the bag with the bread was so obvious, I heard one of Jovi’s lunch crowd asking Mark that they wanted to order whatever he was cooking that smelled so well.
Paul took the floor to introduce Erin and her colleque Eric Jones from the Albright-Knox Art Gallery. Eric is the Public art coordinated for the museum. Albright – Knox was built in 1905. Designed by E.B. Green, is the 6th oldest museum in the country. They host 120,000 visitors a year, 30% are from outside Erie County. One of Eric’s projects, taking Art to the streets, was to accept 3 buildings in rapidly changing neighborhoods and give them a temporary makeover. They repurposed hundreds of yards of donated fabric into enormous tapestries to shroud the structures’ facades. The community-fueled project, sponsored by the Albright – Knox Art Gallery and executed by Brooklyn- based artist Amanda Browder will temporarily sheathe the former Richmond Methodist Episcopal Church at Richmond and West Ferry, the historic Eckhardt Building at 950 Broadway, and the Albright – Knox’s Clifton Hall in patchwork outfits seemingly lifted from your neighborhood AMVETS store. Eric was a passionate presenter that we all enjoyed over his allotted time.
Meeting adjourned