The Ken November 7
Posted by Jeff Markarian
The Ken November 7, 2016
Attendance: Ron Levea
Split Club: Holly Nowak
Invocation: Jim Prichard
Fine Master: Ed Markarian
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting with the Pledge, Barb led us in “God Bless America” and Jim Prichard gave our Calming invocation. A big welcome back to Tim Glor who seems to be mending well. Tim announced that he proposed to Jacquie and she accepted. Tim and Jacquie are looking forward to a summer wedding.
Our quests today were Douglas Love and his associate Jeanine Tramont, Marks sister-in-law, from Explore & More. More on that latter.
Tom Lang is asking for gifts to raffle off at the Christmas Party. Dinner and shows / events are real popular items to peddle. Rick Graham is still taking requests for grants from our Foundation.
With no further announcements, Eddie took the floor as November Finemaster. Tom Lang was his first victim because he sighed when Eddie took the floor. Eddie next fell on his sword by fining himself for paying last week’s fine with a check from an abandoned bank. I confessed to Emily’s winning the Empire 8 Conference in field hockey at St. John Fisher and that Emmie was the MVP. Off to Boston for the NCAA sweet 16. I’ll keep you posted. Pat was fined for picking on Tom (Linda honest, he wasn’t doing nothing). Mike confessed to his 5 year old daughter winning a Cheerleading contest. Gary was fined for such a clean car. Holly confessed to a great year. One year in her new business, a new car, she just got back from Las Vegas, picked up 3 new clients. However, on the way back from Vegas someone was coughing near her and she picked up their cold. Tim thanked everyone for the kind thoughts during his recovery. Mike Ford was a tad bummed when his son took a liking to St. Bonaventure instead of his alma mater Canisius. Eddie fined himself again for his brother Billie getting a WATTY. This is a writers contest on the medium of Youtube. WTG.
The split Club was won by Tim Glor and Ed missed the Ace.
At this time, Mike introduced Douglas Love. Douglas moved from LA to Buffalo about a year ago and finds it to be a very welcoming town. Doug is the CEO of Explore and More, Explore and More is a children’s museum founded in 1994. The museum is based in East Arora but will be moving into a 43 thousand square foot museum at Canalside in 2018. They believe happy curiosity is the hallmark of childhood. It’s a belief that makes us ask a question: What can a museum be. It can be a place where learning feels like playing – “where do not touch” becomes “try it out”. All the play zones will be about Buffalo.
Another great program.
Meeting adjourned