The Ken October 10
The Ken October 10
Attendance: Barb Henry
Split Club: John Riordan
Invocation: John Coogan
Fine Master: Paul Chisolm
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting in front of a light crowd with the Pledge followed by “Oh Canada” in honor of our District Governor and then “God Bless America” Barb announced the guests today were District Governor Marlee Diehl, Marlee’s husband Bill and Kathy Avino, Mike Fords colleague.
Announcements: Tom Lang is having our next social October 30. It will be the New England / Buffalo game at Jovi’s. Mark will have light fare. Tom also reminded us we need auction items for our Christmas party. Entertainment and dinner packages work well. Scott was looking for Art for the actual Shred-It numbers. Art disappeared. Ted is selling Entertainment books for Amherst East Rotary club. Rick Graham reminded us that Our Foundation has 6 weeks left to accept applications for our donations. Finally Mike announced that there was a board meeting yesterday at Palatka’s at 8:00 am.
Paul Chisolm was the Finemaster. He asked Marlee to pick a number 1-6 (representing the tables that were full). She picked 4, therefore they were exempt from fines honoring the Canadian Thanksgiving. Paul tested us on Rotary knowledge to try and embarrass us in front of the DG. We did a pretty good job
Ron won the split club and Art missed the Ace.
Marlee Diehl was introduced and gave a sermon-esque program on our district. Her #1 initiative is membership. Marlee gave credit to John Germ, RI President from Chattanooga, TN for our Polio eradication program. His father contracted Polio when he was young. John watched his father struggle with the disease as he kept working hard to provide for his family. They started in 1 Island in the Philippines and realized it spreads too easily. They have to stretch their efforts around the globe. As of now there were 19 cases left, however Nigeria has reported a few more. There is a task force there now trying to head it off. North America is way behind membership than the rest of the world. Rotary council will have a webinar 10/11 and 10/18. Please visit to register. Marlee told us the Foundation has 1 billion dollars in it and has given away over 3 billion in donations since its inception. Marlee also really wants a good attendance for the District Conference October 21- 23. It will be at the Batavia Downs and Gaming facilities. Again, please visit for all the details.
Meeting adjourned