The Ken October 16, 2017
Attendance: Donna DiFrancesco
Split Club: Damon Piatek
Invocation: Ed Hacherl
Fine master: Jim Logan
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike Austin stood in to run today’s meeting. We gave our Pledge, Chuck led us in singing “America the Beautiful” and Ed H. gave our invocation and asked us to keep the people of California suffering with the wildfires in our hearts.
Guests today were our Speaker, Susan Evans, her husband, who could not get a word in to even get his name and Damon’s colleque Christopher Scalisi.
Mike recognize a couple of Rotarians missing in action. Audrey, Bill Brucker and especially to see Joe Starck up and about. Dick H. was holding the last Shred-It meeting after this meeting. Mostly on track. Shred – it still has the date wrong on their web site. But we are ready to go for Saturday. The weather is supposed to be good. Please come and help out. Ed had another announcement regarding a Boy Scout event but I didn’t get it. Please shoot me an email with any events your organizations are holding so I get the details correct. Daman was sponsoring an interesting event at his office this Thursday. Wall Art and Jazz. A special email went out with the details. Mike Austin pitched an open house at Journeys End for Thursday Oct. 26. From 5 – 7. That’s at 2495 Main Street Suite 530. Rick Graham reminded us to spread the word to organizations that could use a grant from us. Applications are on our website and are due in 11/30/17.
Jim Logan was the fine master today. Tim Glor confessed to being on his honeymoon in Paris and up the Rhone River. Mike A vacationed in California. Jim fined Kenmore East alum for their loss to Ken West. Also, if you did not attend the Greycliff Conservatory tour on Saturday. Jim said it was very nice. Paul was fined for having a pie delivered to his table. As it turned out it was cheesecake. With much debate, deliberation and googling, Paul still paid. Gary was fined for something pertaining to his Harvey Weinstein impression. Jim asked several Frank Lloyd Wright trivia questions. There was no change for my fine so I felt compelled to quote from the book “Living in a Frank Lloyd Wright House”.. One of his customers called complaining the roof on their new house was leaking right over her desk. His reply was to move the desk.
Mike Ford won the 50 / 50 and Sue J missed the Ace.
Mike Ford introduced Susan Evans. Susan first apologized for being a die heart Steelers fan. A retired English teacher, Susan did not need the microphone. She wandered the room and captured us all with her story of being diagnosed, being treated and eventually beating Ovarian Cancer. She is the author of the book “Don’t Write the Obituary Yet”. A truly wonderful person.
Meeting adjourned.
Jeff Markarian