The Ken October 23, 2017
Attendance: Pat Griffin
Split Club: Audrey Meyers in for Damon Piatek
Invocation: Ed Hacherl
Fine master: Paul Chisolm
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom was back today in front of a full house. We gave our Pledge and waived the song. Ed gave our invocation.
Today’s guests were Jim Millard and Walt Ludwig from Kenmore Mercy Hospital. Chris Scaliso was also a guest. Larry passed around a Veterans Day card for Autumn Jenkins. Autumn was president of the Ken West Interact Club. She has helped Kenmore Rotary in the past in so many ways. Autumn has joined the Army.
Dick announced that Shred-It is all set for Saturday at 10:00. People do get there early so please show up about 9:45. Rick Graham asked if coffee and donuts were on the agenda. Pat will nudge Donna for this task, as if she doesn’t have enough to do. Larry has an Interact meeting after our meeting. He’s going to see who will be able to help out. Pat brought in lawn signs. Tom summarized the Veteran’s email that went out advertising the VFW’s annual joint service club Thanksgiving Dinner that will be on Tuesday the 14th of November at the Grill at the Dome at 6:00 p.m. Cash bar from 6-6:30 p.m. Full turkey dinner with all the trimmings and a slice of pie at 6:30 p.m. Cost this year is $18.00 per person (checks payable to Grill at the Dome) and will be collected that night. I sense Tom’s pet projects are the Veterans programs and we should all try to support him.
Tom is also anxious to upgrade the Operation Santa auction items for our Christmas Party at PCC December 1. He will initiate a google doc for these events so we can all see who is in and what they can contribute. Lastly, Tom was sad to announce that Shari McDonough has sent in her letter of resignation. It goes without saying how much we will miss her enthusiasm and involvement. Bummer.
At this time, Paul Chisolm took over as fine master. Ted P confessed to watching Notre Dame beat up on USC in South Bend, Indiana. Mike Ford had his family in town and had a great time at the Bill’s game. Gary was fined for throwing Sue J under the bus. Ed M was fined for commenting on Paul’s tie. Paul quizzed us on Kenmore Mercy Hospital facts and fined anyone who did not sign up for Shred-It.
Ed Markarian won the split club, pulled his number again and re pulled Art’s chance at the Ace. No luck. Kenmore Mercy Hospital raffled off 2 nice fleece jackets that went so fast I didn’t get who won them. Thank you KMH.
Susan Jandzinski introduced Jim Millard, President and CEO of KMH. Jim touched on the good news and bad news for the hospital. First the bad news, There is a lot of uncertainty in Health care these days. Hospitals continue to close. Access to good physicians is a real challenge. For some reason, we cannot pay them as much as they can be paid in other communities. Even Rochester and Syracuse can pay much more. Peculiar. Margins for Hospitals are extremely thin (2%). Lots of bureaucracy, 900 pieces of data for Medicare requirements alone. And they must be prepared for mass casualties. The good news is KMH is well prepared going forward. They are very solvent. 34 k visitors to the emergency room compared to 2K years ago. KMH has invested in large capital equipment: MRI machine, Macro Robotic surgery for orthopedics and others. They have won many Quality and Service awards. ICU unit is specially trained for around the clock care. Won a stroke care National award. Ranked highest satisfaction in WNY.
Jim introduced Walt Ludwig who will take over for Jim at the end of the year when Jim retires. Jim threw us a curve ball, he chose the Boys and Girls club as his charity for us to donate to in honor of him presenting to us.
Meeting adjourned
Jeff Markarian